Thomas Bowen, A Mercator Chart of the World., 1778£ 845.00
Matthaus Albrecht Lotter, Mappemonde ou Carte Generale de L'Univers, 1778£ 3,850.00
John Blair, A Map of the World, 1779 c.£ 1,575.00
J.C. & J.A. Dezauche, Planisphere Physique, 1780£ 1,150.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Carte Reduites des parties connues du Globe Terrestre, 1784£ 3,750.00
Andrew Bell, A Map of the World in Three Sections describing the Polar Regions to the Tropics, 1784£ 445.00
William Guthrie, Chart of the World, 1785 c£ 275.00
Charles Cooke, The World including the Discoveries made by Captain Cook, 1790 c.£ 895.00
William Guthrie, Double Hemisphere World Map, 1792£ 295.00
Laurie & Whittle, A New Chart of the World with The Tracks & Discoveries of the Latest Circumnavigators, 1794£ 1,150.00
Sir George Staunton, A General Chart on Mercator's Projection, 1796£ 1,450.00
William Faden, The New World and the Old World, 1798£ 525.00
Charles Francois Delamarche, Mappe-Monde, 1800 c.£ 365.00
John Cary, A New Chart of The World, 1801£ 1,450.00
Aaron Arrowsmith, The World from the Latest Voyages & Travels, 1802£ 185.00
William Faden, Western Hemisphere & Eastern Hemisphere, 1802£ 2,750.00
Jean-Baptiste-Louis Clouet, Mappemonde ou Globe Terestre, 1807£ 2,500.00
Aaron Arrowsmith, The World on Mercators Projection, 1807£ 395.00
John Pinkerton, [Western Hemisphere - Eastern Hemisphere], 1812£ 1,250.00
Conrad Malte-Brun, Mappe-Monde sur la Projection Reduite de Mercator, 1812£ 195.00
John Thomson, Chart of the World on Mercators Projection, 1820 c.£ 1,250.00
John Thomson, Northern and Southern Hemispheres, 1820 c.£ 1,250.00
John Thomson, Northern and Southern Hemispheres, 1820 c.£ 2,500.00
Thomas Starling, The World, 1830£ 295.00
Edward Quin, A.D. 1100. Period of the First Crusade, 1830 c.£ 245.00
Edward Quin, A.D. 1294. The Empire of Kublai Khan, 1830 c.£ 545.00
Edward Quin, A.D. 1551. At the Death of Charles V., 1830 c.£ 495.00
Edward Quin, A.D. 1828. End of the General Peace, 1830 c.£ 495.00
Anonymous, Jain Cosmological Map of Aḍhāī-dvīpa, or the 'World of Humans', 1830 c.£ 1,500.00
John Arrowsmith, The World, 1835£ 1,150.00
James Wyld, The World on Mercator's Projection, 1837£ 1,950.00
James Reynolds, Geographical Diagram of the Earth Adapted for Illustrating its Movements &c., 1840 c.£ 275.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection, 1844£ 575.00
James Gilbert, Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, 1844£ 4,850.00
Joseph Meyer, Welt-Karte in Mercators Projektion, 1844£ 275.00
Victor Levasseur, Planisphere, 1847£ 650.00
Richard Holmes Laurie, The World on Mercator's Projection, 1850£ 2,750.00
James Reynolds, Geological Map of the World, 1850 c£ 545.00
Joseph Meyer, Erd-Karte, 1850 c.£ 185.00
John Dower, The World, 1850 c.£ 275.00
John Tallis, Western and Eastern Hemisphere, 1851£ 1,150.00
Abe Yasuyuki, Japanese Map of the World, 1853£ 845.00
Blackie & Son, The World on Mercator's Projection, 1855 c.£ 325.00
Matthew Perry, Chart of the World, 1856£ 950.00
Archibald Fullarton, British Empire Throughout the World Exhibited in One View, 1860 c.£ 2,250.00
Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Map of the World on the Mercator Projection, 1866£ 345.00
George W. Bacon, The World, 1866 c£ 1,500.00
Justus Perthes, Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection, 1867 c.£ 2,250.00
Julius Maier, Neueste Karte der Erde, 1870 c.£ 2,650.00
Justus Perthes, Chart of the World on Mercators Projection, 1871£ 3,250.00
Jules Marcou, Geological Map of the World, 1875£ 4,250.00
Victor Clerot, Mappemonde Orographique et Hydrographique, 1875 c.£ 4,500.00
James Wyld, The World on Mercator's Projection, 1877£ 395.00
A. & C. Black, The World on Mercator's Projection, 1880 c£ 395.00
James Wyld, The World on Mercator's Projection, 1882 c.£ 1,950.00
Illustrated London News (ILN), The World showing the British Possessions and Chief Ports, 1885£ 595.00
Justus Perthes, Annual Temperatures of the World's Oceans, 1893£ 145.00
Edward Stanford, The World, 1896£ 145.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, Chart of the World on Mercators Projection, 1898 (c.)£ 295.00
George W. Bacon, The World on Mercator's Projection , 1900 (c.)£ 225.00
Rand, McNally & Co., Rand McNally & Co's Map of the World, 1901£ 985.00
Edward Stanford, A Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection, 1903£ 1,450.00
George W. Bacon, Bacon's Chart of Useful Knowledge, 1910 c.£ 3,600.00
J. Dosseray, Nuevo Mapa-Mundi Planisferio, 1911£ 3,500.00
J. Nystrom, Eastern and Western Hemispheres, 1914£ 3,500.00
Edward Stanford, What Germany Wants, 1916£ 1,650.00
Alexander Gross, Commercial & Political Map of the World, 1920£ 4,950.00
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