• Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries, Ptolemaic Map of France, 1541
    Ptolemaic Map of France, 1541
    Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries
    Series: Vienne
    Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries, Ptolemaic Map of France, 1541
    £ 1,750.00
  • Lucas Waghenaer, Sea Chart of the Algarve, 1584 c.
    Sea Chart of the Algarve, 1584 c.
    Lucas Waghenaer
    Series: Frankfurt
    Lucas Waghenaer, Sea Chart of the Algarve, 1584 c.
    £ 1,100.00
  • Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Ancient Jerusalem, 1588
    Ancient Jerusalem, 1588
    Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg
    Series: Cologne
  • Lucas Waghenaer, Description des Costes Marines d'Angleterre, entre Pleymouth & Portlandt, avec les principaulx haures d'icelles, 1590
    Description des Costes Marines d'Angleterre, entre Pleymouth & Portlandt, avec les principaulx haures d'icelles, 1590
    Lucas Waghenaer
    Series: Antwerp
    Lucas Waghenaer, Description des Costes Marines d'Angleterre, entre Pleymouth & Portlandt, avec les principaulx haures d'icelles, 1590
    £ 3,500.00
  • Abraham Ortelius, Ancient Belgium, 1592
    Ancient Belgium, 1592
    Abraham Ortelius
    Series: Antwerp
    Abraham Ortelius, Ancient Belgium, 1592
    £ 945.00
  • Abraham Ortelius, Ancient Germany, 1592
    Ancient Germany, 1592
    Abraham Ortelius
    Series: Antwerp
    Abraham Ortelius, Ancient Germany, 1592
    £ 495.00
  • Lucas Waghenaer, Sea Chart of the Bay of Biscay, 1595 c.
    Sea Chart of the Bay of Biscay, 1595 c.
    Lucas Waghenaer
    Series: Leiden
  • Samuel Purchas, Holy Land during Biblical times, 1625
    Holy Land during Biblical times, 1625
    Samuel Purchas
    Series: London
    Samuel Purchas, Holy Land during Biblical times, 1625
    £ 395.00
  • Henry Briggs, First English map of North America to show California as an island, 1625
    First English map of North America to show California as an island, 1625
    Henry Briggs
    Series: London
  • John Speed, The Ancient Roman Empire , 1627
    The Ancient Roman Empire , 1627
    John Speed
    Series: London
    John Speed, The Ancient Roman Empire , 1627
    £ 3,950.00
  • Benito Arias Montanus, Ancient Jerusalem, 1640 c.
    Ancient Jerusalem, 1640 c.
    Benito Arias Montanus
    Series: Amsterdam
    Benito Arias Montanus, Ancient Jerusalem, 1640 c.
    £ 575.00
  • Jan Jansson, Thrace during the Classical period, 1640 c.
    Thrace during the Classical period, 1640 c.
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, Thrace during the Classical period, 1640 c.
    £ 625.00
  • Famiano Strada, Leo Belgicus, 1645
    Leo Belgicus, 1645
    Famiano Strada
    Series: Leiden
    Famiano Strada, Leo Belgicus, 1645
    £ 2,500.00
  • C. & N. Visscher, Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula, 1658
    Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accuratissima Tabula, 1658
    C. & N. Visscher
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Robert Walton, A New and Accurat Map of the World, 1659
    A New and Accurat Map of the World, 1659
    Robert Walton
    Series: London
  • Robert Dudley, West Africa & the Gulf of Guinea, 1661
    West Africa & the Gulf of Guinea, 1661
    Robert Dudley
    Series: Florence
    Robert Dudley, West Africa & the Gulf of Guinea, 1661
    £ 2,250.00
  • Jan Jansson, Ancient Crete, 1661
    Ancient Crete, 1661
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, Ancient Crete, 1661
    £ 245.00
  • Jan Jansson, Ancient Greece, 1661
    Ancient Greece, 1661
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, Ancient Greece, 1661
    £ 325.00
  • Jan Jansson, Northern Italy, or Cisalpine Gaul, 1661
    Northern Italy, or Cisalpine Gaul, 1661
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, Northern Italy, or Cisalpine Gaul, 1661
    £ 195.00
  • Jan Jansson, Ancient Thrace, 1661
    Ancient Thrace, 1661
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, Ancient Thrace, 1661
    £ 175.00
  • Jan Jansson, Tuscany during the Roman Period, 1661
    Tuscany during the Roman Period, 1661
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, Tuscany during the Roman Period, 1661
    £ 285.00
  • Melchior Tavernier, Carte Nouvelle de l'Europe, Asie & Afrique | Carte de l'Amerique, 1661
    Carte Nouvelle de l'Europe, Asie & Afrique | Carte de l'Amerique, 1661
    Melchior Tavernier
    Series: Paris
  • Pierre Duval, Double Hemisphere World Map, 1661
    Double Hemisphere World Map, 1661
    Pierre Duval
    Series: Paris
    Pierre Duval, Double Hemisphere World Map, 1661
    £ 4,950.00
  • Melchisedech Thevenot, The First Printed map of Australia, 1663
    The First Printed map of Australia, 1663
    Melchisedech Thevenot
    Series: France
  • Abraham Goos, The Bay of Biscay, 1670 c.
    The Bay of Biscay, 1670 c.
    Abraham Goos
    Series: Amsterdam
    Abraham Goos, The Bay of Biscay, 1670 c.
    £ 1,385.00
  • Athanasius Kircher, Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos, 1670 c.
    Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos, 1670 c.
    Athanasius Kircher
    Series: Rome
    Athanasius Kircher, Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos, 1670 c.
    £ 2,700.00
  • Abraham Goos, Coast of Brazil, 1675
    Coast of Brazil, 1675
    Abraham Goos
    Series: Amsterdam
    Abraham Goos, Coast of Brazil, 1675
    £ 3,950.00
  • John Speed, America, 1676
    America, 1676
    John Speed
    Series: London
  • Nicolas Sanson, The First Map to focus on the Island of California, 1679
    The First Map to focus on the Island of California, 1679
    Nicolas Sanson
    Series: France
    Nicolas Sanson, The First Map to focus on the Island of California, 1679
    £ 2,750.00
  • Abraham Goos, Canadian Arctic and Hudson Bay, 1680 c.
    Canadian Arctic and Hudson Bay, 1680 c.
    Abraham Goos
    Series: Amsterdam
    Abraham Goos, Canadian Arctic and Hudson Bay, 1680 c.
    £ 985.00
  • Pierre Duval, America, 1681
    America, 1681
    Pierre Duval
    Series: Paris
    Pierre Duval, America, 1681
    £ 575.00
  • Joseph Moxon, Map of All the Earth, 1681 c.
    Map of All the Earth, 1681 c.
    Joseph Moxon
    Series: London
    Joseph Moxon, Map of All the Earth, 1681 c.
    £ 1,850.00
  • Giovanni Giacomo Rossi, Ancient Greece, 1683
    Ancient Greece, 1683
    Giovanni Giacomo Rossi
    Series: Rome
    Giovanni Giacomo Rossi, Ancient Greece, 1683
    £ 850.00
  • Robert Morden, A New Map of Ye World, 1688
    A New Map of Ye World, 1688
    Robert Morden
    Series: London
    Robert Morden, A New Map of Ye World, 1688
    £ 1,250.00
  • Robert Morden, America, 1688
    America, 1688
    Robert Morden
    Series: London
    Robert Morden, America, 1688
    £ 795.00
  • Robert Morden, California as an Island, 1688
    California as an Island, 1688
    Robert Morden
    Series: London
    Robert Morden, California as an Island, 1688
    £ 1,650.00
  • Vincenzo Coronelli, Early map of North America with the correct course of the Mississippi River, 1690 c.
    Early map of North America with the correct course of the Mississippi River, 1690 c.
    Vincenzo Coronelli
    Series: Venice
  • Valk & Schenk, Cape Verde Islands, 1690 c.
    Cape Verde Islands, 1690 c.
    Valk & Schenk
    Series: Paris
    Valk & Schenk, Cape Verde Islands, 1690 c.
    £ 700.00
  • Vincenzo Coronelli, Madeira and view of Funchal, 1690 c.
    Madeira and view of Funchal, 1690 c.
    Vincenzo Coronelli
    Series: Venice
    Vincenzo Coronelli, Madeira and view of Funchal, 1690 c.
    £ 695.00
  • Vincenzo Coronelli, Chart of the Pacific Ocean, 1690 c.
    Chart of the Pacific Ocean, 1690 c.
    Vincenzo Coronelli
    Series: Venice
    Vincenzo Coronelli, Chart of the Pacific Ocean, 1690 c.
    £ 2,750.00
  • Johann Zahn, Facies Altera Hemi-Sphaerii Terrestris, 1696
    Facies Altera Hemi-Sphaerii Terrestris, 1696
    Johann Zahn
    Series: Nuremberg
  • Johann Zahn, Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos in Universo Orbe Indicans, 1696
    Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos in Universo Orbe Indicans, 1696
    Johann Zahn
    Series: Nuremberg
    Johann Zahn, Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos in Universo Orbe Indicans, 1696
    £ 3,950.00
  • Louis Hennepin, North America to accompany Father Hennepin's account, 1698
    North America to accompany Father Hennepin's account, 1698
    Louis Hennepin
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Nicolas de Fer, Important map of California as an island, 1700
    Important map of California as an island, 1700
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: Paris
    Nicolas de Fer, Important map of California as an island, 1700
    £ 2,350.00
  • Heinrich Scherer, Typus Totius Orbis Terraquei Geographice Delineatus, et Ad Usum Globo Materiali Superinducendus, 1700
    Typus Totius Orbis Terraquei Geographice Delineatus, et Ad Usum Globo Materiali Superinducendus, 1700
    Heinrich Scherer
    Series: Munich
    Heinrich Scherer, Typus Totius Orbis Terraquei Geographice Delineatus, et Ad Usum Globo Materiali Superinducendus, 1700
    £ 1,650.00
  • Pierre Mortier, Scarce Mortier edition of Alexis-Hubert Jaillot's map of North America, 1700 c.
    Scarce Mortier edition of Alexis-Hubert Jaillot's map of North America, 1700 c.
    Pierre Mortier
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Heinrich Scherer, Baja California and Mexico, 1700 c.
    Baja California and Mexico, 1700 c.
    Heinrich Scherer
    Series: Munich
    Heinrich Scherer, Baja California and Mexico, 1700 c.
    £ 985.00
  • Jacob von Sandrart, Nova Tabula Americae, 1700 c.
    Nova Tabula Americae, 1700 c.
    Jacob von Sandrart
    Series: Nuremberg
    Jacob von Sandrart, Nova Tabula Americae, 1700 c.
    £ 2,950.00
  • Gerhard Valk, Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accurata Tabula, 1700 c.
    Orbis Terrarum Nova et Accurata Tabula, 1700 c.
    Gerhard Valk
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Heinrich Scherer, Planisphaerium ex Polo Artico, 1700 c.
    Planisphaerium ex Polo Artico, 1700 c.
    Heinrich Scherer
    Series: Munich
    Heinrich Scherer, Planisphaerium ex Polo Artico, 1700 c.
    £ 450.00
  • Heinrich Scherer, North America showing the reach of Catholic missionaries, 1700 c.
    North America showing the reach of Catholic missionaries, 1700 c.
    Heinrich Scherer
    Series: Munich
    Heinrich Scherer, North America showing the reach of Catholic missionaries, 1700 c.
    £ 1,750.00
  • Heinrich Scherer, Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, Quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae Sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes Sunt., 1700 c.
    Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, Quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae Sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes Sunt., 1700 c.
    Heinrich Scherer
    Series: Munich
    Heinrich Scherer, Repraesentatio Totius Orbis Terraquei Cuius Partes, Quae Umbra Carent, Fide Catholica Imbutae Sunt, Reliquae Omnes Inumbratae Religionis Catholicae Expertes Sunt., 1700 c.
    £ 1,275.00
  • Heinrich Scherer, World Map, 1700 c.
    World Map, 1700 c.
    Heinrich Scherer
    Series: Munich
    Heinrich Scherer, World Map, 1700 c.
    £ 2,650.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, Mappe-Monde ou Carte Universelle, 1702
    Mappe-Monde ou Carte Universelle, 1702
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: Paris
    Nicolas de Fer, Mappe-Monde ou Carte Universelle, 1702
    £ 1,450.00
  • Jeremiah Seller, Chart of the Atlantic and the West Indies, 1703
    Chart of the Atlantic and the West Indies, 1703
    Jeremiah Seller
    Series: London
    Jeremiah Seller, Chart of the Atlantic and the West Indies, 1703
    £ 1,750.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, The Americas with California as an island, 1705
    The Americas with California as an island, 1705
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: Paris
    Nicolas de Fer, The Americas with California as an island, 1705
    £ 1,650.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, Map of Aeneas' Journey, 1705
    Map of Aeneas' Journey, 1705
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: France
    Nicolas de Fer, Map of Aeneas' Journey, 1705
    £ 325.00
  • Herman Moll, A New Chart of the Channell between England and France, 1705 c.
    A New Chart of the Channell between England and France, 1705 c.
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, A New Chart of the Channell between England and France, 1705 c.
    £ 625.00
  • Andreas Cellarius, Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines, 1708
    Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines, 1708
    Andreas Cellarius
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Eberhard Werner Happel, Die Ebbe und Fluth auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten Furgestelt, 1708
    Die Ebbe und Fluth auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten Furgestelt, 1708
    Eberhard Werner Happel
    Series: Ulm
    Eberhard Werner Happel, Die Ebbe und Fluth auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten Furgestelt, 1708
    £ 2,750.00
  • Pierre Mortier, Chart of the Pacific Ocean, 1708
    Chart of the Pacific Ocean, 1708
    Pierre Mortier
    Series: Amsterdam
    Pierre Mortier, Chart of the Pacific Ocean, 1708
    £ 3,450.00
  • Johann Baptist Homann, Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Representatio, 1708 c
    Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Representatio, 1708 c
    Johann Baptist Homann
    Johann Baptist Homann, Totius Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Novissima Representatio, 1708 c
    £ 2,750.00
  • Samuel Thornton, Chart of Mumbai (Bombay) to Diu Head, 1711
    Chart of Mumbai (Bombay) to Diu Head, 1711
    Samuel Thornton
    Series: London
    Samuel Thornton, Chart of Mumbai (Bombay) to Diu Head, 1711
    £ 1,100.00
  • Samuel Thornton, Java, Madura and the Straights of Bali, 1711
    Java, Madura and the Straights of Bali, 1711
    Samuel Thornton
    Series: London
    Samuel Thornton, Java, Madura and the Straights of Bali, 1711
    £ 665.00
  • Samuel Thornton, Chart of the Zhoushan Islands, 1711
    Chart of the Zhoushan Islands, 1711
    Samuel Thornton
    Series: London
    Samuel Thornton, Chart of the Zhoushan Islands, 1711
    £ 650.00
  • Samuel Thornton, Chart of Southern Borneo, 1711
    Chart of Southern Borneo, 1711
    Samuel Thornton
    Series: London
    Samuel Thornton, Chart of Southern Borneo, 1711
    £ 320.00
  • Samuel Thornton, A New Chart of the Coast of Orixa and Galconda, 1711
    A New Chart of the Coast of Orixa and Galconda, 1711
    Samuel Thornton
    Series: London
    Samuel Thornton, A New Chart of the Coast of Orixa and Galconda, 1711
    £ 450.00
  • Samuel Thornton, Northwest coast of Africa, 1711
    Northwest coast of Africa, 1711
    Samuel Thornton
    Series: London
    Samuel Thornton, Northwest coast of Africa, 1711
    £ 950.00
  • Pieter van der Aa, Nouvelle Carte de L'Amerique, 1715 c.
    Nouvelle Carte de L'Amerique, 1715 c.
    Pieter van der Aa
    Series: Leiden
    Pieter van der Aa, Nouvelle Carte de L'Amerique, 1715 c.
    £ 2,450.00
  • Herman Moll, A New and Correct Map of the Whole World, 1719
    A New and Correct Map of the Whole World, 1719
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
  • Henri Chatelain, Carte Tres Curieuse de la Mer du Sud, 1719
    Carte Tres Curieuse de la Mer du Sud, 1719
    Henri Chatelain
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Nicolas de Fer, Rare map of the American Southwest and California as an Island, 1720
    Rare map of the American Southwest and California as an Island, 1720
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: Paris
  • Herman Moll, A Chart of the Mediterranean Sea, 1720 c.
    A Chart of the Mediterranean Sea, 1720 c.
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, A Chart of the Mediterranean Sea, 1720 c.
    £ 625.00
  • Herman Moll, The Roman Roads of England, 1723
    The Roman Roads of England, 1723
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, The Roman Roads of England, 1723
    £ 245.00
  • Herman Moll, North America with California as an island, 1724
    North America with California as an island, 1724
    Herman Moll
    Herman Moll, North America with California as an island, 1724
    £ 1,350.00
  • Eusebio Francisco Kino, Larger and rarer version of Kino's landmark map of California, 1726
    Larger and rarer version of Kino's landmark map of California, 1726
    Eusebio Francisco Kino
    Series: Augsburg
    Eusebio Francisco Kino, Larger and rarer version of Kino's landmark map of California, 1726
    £ 3,750.00
  • Carolus Allard, Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Tabula, 1730
    Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Tabula, 1730
    Carolus Allard
    Series: Amsterdam
    Carolus Allard, Recentissima Novi Orbis sive Americae Septentrionalis et Meridionalis Tabula, 1730
    £ 4,950.00
  • Herman Moll, Historical Map of the Roman Empire, 1730 c
    Historical Map of the Roman Empire, 1730 c
    Herman Moll
    Herman Moll, Historical Map of the Roman Empire, 1730 c
    £ 2,450.00
  • Josua & Reinier Ottens, Pacific Ocean and California as an island, 1730 c.
    Pacific Ocean and California as an island, 1730 c.
    Josua & Reinier Ottens
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Herman Moll, A New map of the Whole World with the Trade Winds, 1732 c.
    A New map of the Whole World with the Trade Winds, 1732 c.
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, A New map of the Whole World with the Trade Winds, 1732 c.
    £ 1,750.00
of 15