John Wilkes, Astronomy and Architecture, 1820£ 125.00
Anonymous, Automobiles - American cars, 1960 c.£ 150.00
Anonymous, Automobiles - German cars, 1960 c.£ 150.00
Anonymous, Automobiles - German cars, 1960 c.£ 150.00
Illustrated London News (ILN), Automobiles - Gordon Bennett Cup, 1907£ 95.00
Illustrated London News (ILN), Automobiles - Gordon Bennett Cup, 1903£ 95.00
Illustrated London News (ILN), Automobiles - Hillman, 1934£ 125.00
Anonymous, Automobiles - Italian cars, 1960 c.£ 150.00
Anonymous, Automobiles - Italian cars, 1960 c.£ 150.00
Punch, Automobiles - J.M. Fenders, 1929£ 95.00
Punch, Automobiles - Wolseley, 1956 c.£ 95.00
Anonymous, Aviation - Aeroplanes, 1920 c.£ 95.00
The Sphere, Aviation - Bristol Brabazon, 1946£ 250.00
Flying Magazine, Aviation - Empire Flying Boat, 1938£ 75.00
Flying Magazine, Aviation - Empire Flying Boat, 1938£ 75.00
Flying Magazine, Aviation - Helicopters, 1939£ 65.00
Flying Magazine, Aviation - Lockheed Electra CF-ARP, 1938£ 75.00
The Graphic Magazine, Aviation - Silver Short Aluminium Aeroplane, 1920£ 95.00
Charles Cooke, Ballooning, 1790£ 150.00
Richard Phillips, Ballooning, 1806£ 58.00
The Graphic Magazine, Ballooning, 1896£ 58.00
John Wilkes, Ballooning, 1810£ 145.00
L'Illustration, Ballooning - Dirigible balloon, 1907£ 225.00
Flying Magazine, British Army/RAF - Hawker Hector K 8000 fighter, 1938£ 95.00
James Reynolds, Chemistry, 1850£ 250.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Chemistry, 1810£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Chemistry, 1810£ 225.00
John Wilkes, Chemistry, 1810£ 175.00
Liebig's Extract, Chemistry - Petroleum Production, 1934 c.£ 42.00
Liebig's Extract, Chemistry - Petroleum Production, 1934 c.£ 42.00
Liebig's Extract, Chemistry - Petroleum Production, 1934 c.£ 42.00
Liebig's Extract, Chemistry - Petroleum Production, 1934 c.£ 42.00
James Reynolds, Diagram of Natural Phenomena, 1852£ 495.00
John Bartholomew, Ecology - Climate, 1891£ 160.00
Oliver Goldsmith, Ecology - Plant distribution in Africa, 1876£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Geography, 1810£ 95.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Amber enclosing a black wasp, 1804£ 175.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Antimony, 1809£ 145.00
Carl Hoffmann, Geology - Basalt, 1845£ 195.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Carbo Bitumen, 1817£ 190.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Chabazite, 1804£ 175.00
Carl Hoffmann, Geology - Coal, 1845£ 195.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Copper phosphate, 1817£ 190.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Cubical Sulphuret of Zinc, 1804£ 175.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Fluor, 1804£ 245.00
William Buckland, Geology - Geological Double Coastal Profile, 1823£ 350.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Green Talc, 1804£ 195.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Iron phosphate, 1817£ 190.00
John Wilkes, Geology - Mineralogy, 1817£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Geology - Mineralogy , 1817£ 350.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Oxygenized Carbon, 1804£ 145.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Red stillbite or zeolite, 1809£ 190.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Stellated Actynolite, 1804£ 195.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Sulphate of Lead, 1804£ 155.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Variegated limestone, 1804£ 145.00
James Sowerby, Geology - Vitreous Copper ore, 1817£ 190.00
Vincent Brooks Day & Son, Geology and Palaeontology, 1896£ 165.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Carts and Drags, 1817£ 250.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Drilling machines, 1811£ 225.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Gates and Fastenings, 1817£ 125.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Harrows, 1817£ 225.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Milkhouse and Poultry, 1811£ 250.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Plough hammer, 1811£ 225.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Recent Inventions, 1817£ 225.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Sheepfold and Shearing, 1817£ 95.00
John Wilkes, Husbandry - Smith's Reaping Machine, 1817£ 225.00
New York Times, Machine Age, 1939£ 85.00
John E. Fuller, Mathematics - Fuller's Time Telegraph & Palmer's Computing Scale, 1847£ 650.00
John Wilkes, Mechanics, 1816£ 95.00
James Reynolds, Mechanics - Electricity and Machines, 1850£ 475.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Mechanics - Fire Engine, 1810£ 350.00
James Reynolds, Mechanics - Hydraulics, 1850£ 250.00 inc. VAT
James Reynolds, Mechanics - Mechanical Powers, 1850£ 450.00 inc. VAT
James Reynolds, Mechanics - Motion and Machinery, 1850£ 250.00 inc. VAT
John Wilkes, Meteorology - Barometers, 1810£ 175.00
Charles d'Orbigny, Paleontology - Anoplotherium, 1849£ 45.00
Baron Georges Cuvier, Paleontology - Mastodon, 1849£ 75.00
Baron Georges Cuvier, Paleontology - Megatherium, 1849£ 95.00
Howard Leigh, Pfaldz D.III single seater fighter, 1934£ 45.00
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