Survey of India
192 x 216 cm
There were several versions of this monumental wall map printed. These included a version showing the British administrative areas, a geo-political version as well as this one which focuses on physical geography, particularly elevations, hence the solid red of the Himalayas. It is likely that a geological version was also produced although we have not been able to locate an example to confirm this. We have found paper versions in multiple sheets as well as an example which has already been joined, segmented and backed on linen to make a folding map although it was still separated into four larger separate sheets. The title remains consistent, despite the subject and the earliest date we have been able to locate for a map from this series is 1908, which is also the date of the promotion Sir Sidney Gerald Burrard, to Surveyor General of the Survey of India and whose name appears on all of them. It is believed that these were the largest maps produced by the Survey during this period.
The Survey of India produced a truly extraordinary geographical masterpiece in its Trigonometrical Survey and at this time, these were the ultimate example of this endeavour. Burrard himself spent decades collecting new readings as well as revising and correcting previous surveys before he authorised the release of this new series.
This example is currently in twelve separate paper sheets. The image is an indication of its appearance once it has been joined. This version showing physical geography was first issued in 1915 but this example is a revised re-issue from 1922. Original colour. [IC2854]