... highly detailed miniature worlds that can be held in one hand.

The Map House announced a unique opportunity to see a demonstration of globe making by artist and globe maker Loraine Rutt of The Little Globe Co. on Wednesday 5th December at 54 Beauchamp Place.



Loraine Rutt, a trained cartographer, has been making maps from clay for over 25 years. The Little Globe Co grew from an idea to recreate the pocket globes of the 18th and 19th Century for the modern collector.


These tiny globes were beautiful, highly detailed miniature worlds that could be held in one hand.


Focusing on the intricate details, Loraine has developed a range of exquisite porcelain globes at a scale of 1:170,000,000 and in combination with hand crafted, locally-sourced wooden cases.


Join us at The Map House from 6pm – 8pm on Wednesday 5th December for a glimpse into the delicate process behind her miniature porcelain globes, and enjoy a complimentary cocktail with us. In collaboration with the Beauchamp Place Christmas Party & late night shopping on the street.


To find out more information, please email maps@themaphouse.com or call us on +44 (0) 207 589 4325.


Find out more about Loraine’s work by visiting www.thelittleglobeco.com.

Thank you to Jack and Ed from Film Punks (formerly RMP Filmmakers) for shooting this video with us. For more information about their services visit: https://filmpunks.tv/ 

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