Kingu Magazine (キング)
76 x 107 cm
A scarce pre-WW2 Japanese map of Europe, Africa, and the Atlantic illustrating the 1930s European arms race and the relative strengths of Britain, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, and the USA. Printed entirely in Japanese, this map was issued in the January 1st, 1936 edition of King (キング), an extremely popular Japanese news magazine. The creation of the map was edited by Fuchida Tadayoshi.
The map provides a detailed geographical overview of Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa, the Atlantic, and the northeastern United States. Infrastructure, shipping routes, major cities, and rivers are all marked. Two smaller inset maps in the lower-left corner show the ethnic groups of Europe (left) and the pre-WWI borders of Europe (right). A table over Greenland explains the current alliances and treaties in place, while a much larger table on the right side of the map lists the military and economic strengths of the major European powers. The circular diagram in the lower-right corner details Japanese imports and exports to each of the European powers
Laid down on archival linen. Printed colour. SL. [WLD4621]