Sebastian Münster, Cosmographiae Universalis, 1558£ 775.00
Giasone del Maino, Iason In Secundam Partem Infortiati, 1560£ 450.00
Theodore De Bry, Americae Retectio, 1598£ 625.00
Mercator Hondius, Belgii In Ferioris - Geographicae tabule, 1610 c.£ 245.00
Mercator Hondius, Italia, Slavonia, et Graeciae - tabule geographice, 1610 c.£ 345.00
Mercator Hondius, Atlas Minor, 1628£ 395.00
Mercator Hondius, Gerard Mercator & Jodocus Hondius Portraits, 1636£ 2,500.00
Jansson Heirs, Atlas Contractus Title Page, 1666£ 950.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Isola Rio Dell' Atlante Veneto, 1696£ 395.00
Philipp Cluver, Philippi Cluverii Introductionis in Universam Geographiam, 1697£ 95.00
Pieter van der Aa, Bloedige Scheeps-Togt van den Maarschalk Don Fernando Coutinho na Oost-Indien, 1706£ 225.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Nouvel Atlas Title Page, 1730 c.£ 145.00
Herman Moll, Atlas Geographus. A Complete System of Geography, Ancient and Modern, 1733£ 140.00
Isaac Tirion, Atlante Novissimo Del Sigr. Guglielmo De L'Isle, 1744£ 150.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, Atlas Minor, 1750 c.£ 175.00
Sayer & Bennett, To His most Excellent Majesty George the Third, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c.&c.&c., 1776£ 60.00
Samuel Walker, Frontispiece, 1830 c.£ 50.00
George Woolworth Colton, Frontispiece: Colton's General Atlas Of The World, Containing Two Hundred And Twelve Maps And Plans, 1860 c.£ 95.00
Routledge, Modern Atlas of the Earth, 1860 c.£ 48.00