Jan Blaeu, Regiones Svb Polo Arctico, 1650 c.£ 950.00
Pierre Duval, Terra Arctica, 1694 c.£ 175.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Terre Artiche, 1695 c.£ 2,950.00
Heinrich Scherer, Regionvm Circvm Polarivm, 1701£ 950.00
Herman Moll, This Draught of the North Pole is to shew all the Countries near and adjacent to it, 1705£ 1,450.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Hemisphere Septentrional - Les Terres Arctiques, 1733£ 650.00
Herman Moll, A Map of the North Pole, 1750 c.£ 650.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1750 c.£ 725.00
Johann Heinrich Heidegger, Northwestern USA, Eastern Russia and the North Pacific, 1770 c.£ 795.00
Robert Sayer, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1775£ 1,325.00
Antonio Zatta, Emisfero Terrestre Meridionale | Emisfero Terrestre Septentrionale, 1779£ 645.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, James Cook's Voyage to the North Pacific & Bering Strait, 1781£ 2,750.00
Gerhard Friedrich Muller, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1784£ 1,200.00
Christian Gottlieb Reichard, Chart of the North Pacific Ocean, 1804£ 785.00
William Faden, James Cook's Voyage to Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1808£ 2,850.00
John Thomson, Chart of the North Pacific and Behring Straits, 1816£ 525.00
Sir William Edward Parry, Chart of Part of the North Eastern Coast of America, and its adjacent Islands, 1824£ 545.00
John Thomson, Discoveries of Ross, Parry & Franklin in the Arctic , 1830 c.£ 2,950.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Hudson's Strait, 1837£ 95.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Frobisher Strait & Northumberland Inlet, 1842£ 145.00
Joseph Meyer, Neueste Karte von Nord Pol, 1845£ 245.00
British Admiralty, Chart of the North Polar Sea, 1849£ 950.00
James Wyld, Chart of the Arctic Regions from the Admiralty Surveys, 1851 c.£ 2,950.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Alaska, Kamchatka & the Bering Strait, 1853£ 575.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Chart of the Northern portion of Baffin Bay to illustrate Col. Inglefields report., 1853£ 145.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch of the Shores of Arctic America to illustrate the Discovery of the Northwest Passage, 1855£ 375.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Northwest Passage and the Search for Sir John Franklin, 1855£ 395.00
A. & C. Black, Arctic Regions and British America, 1856£ 325.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Route of Sir John Franklin's Doomed Arctic Expedition, 1856£ 595.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Discoveries of the American Expedition, 1856£ 295.00
Archibald Fullarton, Wellington Channel, Melville Island &c., 1856£ 82.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), American Arctic Expedition, 1853_4_5, 1858£ 185.00
Justus Perthes, Übersichtskarte der wahrscheinlichen Route von Sir J. Franklin's Expedition, 1859£ 95.00
Justus Perthes, Karte des Nordostlichen Theiles von Spitzbergen, 1864£ 58.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of the North Polar Regions, 1865£ 185.00
Justus Perthes, Die Meeres-Temperatur des Grönländischen Meeres, 1869£ 88.00
Justus Perthes, Arctic Russia, Wrangel Island & the Bering Strait, 1869£ 125.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Surface Temperatures of the North Atlantic between Shetland & Greenland, 1870£ 155.00
Justus Perthes, Karte der Geographischen Verbreitung des Nordlichtes, 1874£ 65.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), King William Land, 1880£ 115.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of the Barents & Kara Seas, 1880£ 195.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Chart Showing Mr. Leigh Smith's Track to Franz Josef Land and Boat Journey to Novaya Zemlya in 1881-1882, 1883£ 75.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Greely Expedition, 1884£ 320.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), The Geographical Discoveries of Lieut. Greely's Expedition, 1882-3., 1885£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Nansen's First Crossing of Greenland, 1889£ 195.00
Justus Perthes, Die Arktische Windscheide und die Neuesten Polarprojekte, 1891£ 92.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Sketch Map of Arctic Regions Showing Dr. Nansen's Projected Route, 1892£ 225.00
Levi Walter Yaggy, Arctic Zone, 1893£ 1,800.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map Shewing Route of the North Greenland Expedition of 1891-92, 1893£ 125.00
Edward Stanford, Map of the Countries Around the North Pole, 1894£ 895.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Chart of North Polar Regions, 1897£ 595.00
John Bartholomew, Physical Chart of the North Polar Regions, 1897£ 895.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch map of Franz Joseph Land, 1898£ 195.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of the Buchanan Bay, Bache Peninsula, Princess Marie Bay Region of Grinnell Land, 1899£ 72.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Captain Sverdrup's Arctic Expedition in the 'Fram.' 1899-1902, 1903£ 285.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Map Showing Discoveries of Commander Peary's Expedition, 1900-2, 1903£ 285.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map to Illustrate the North Polar Explorations, 1903£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Bathymetrical Chart of North Polar Seas by Dr.Fridtjof Nansen, 1907£ 185.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Roald Amundsen's Gjøa Expedition through the Northwest Passage, 1907£ 395.00
Adolf Stieler, The North Pole, 1909£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), North Polar Region - Sketch map to illustrate the Expedition of Commander R.E.Peary, U.S.N. 1908-1909, 1910£ 275.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, North Polar Chart, 1912 c£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map to Illustrate Einar Mikkelsen's Expedition to North East Greenland 1909-12, 1913£ 88.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., The Polar Regions, 1913 c.£ 395.00
John Bartholomew, North Polar Regions, 1922£ 345.00
John Bartholomew, Map of the North Polar Regions for "A Naturalist at the Poles", 1923£ 195.00
Maps of the Arctic