• Athanasius Kircher, Typus Corporis Lunaris Panselini Uná Cum Maculis Faculis Montibus, 1665 c.
    Typus Corporis Lunaris Panselini Uná Cum Maculis Faculis Montibus, 1665 c.
    Athanasius Kircher
    Series: Amsterdam
    Athanasius Kircher, Typus Corporis Lunaris Panselini Uná Cum Maculis Faculis Montibus, 1665 c.
    £ 2,650.00
  • Andreas Cellarius, Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines, 1708
    Corporum Coelestium Magnitudines, 1708
    Andreas Cellarius
    Series: Amsterdam
  • Johann Baptist Homann, The Moon according to Hevelius and Riccioli, 1710 c.
    The Moon according to Hevelius and Riccioli, 1710 c.
    Johann Baptist Homann
    Series: Nuremberg
    Johann Baptist Homann, The Moon according to Hevelius and Riccioli, 1710 c.
    £ 3,250.00
  • Pierre Tardieu, Diametres du Soleil et des Planetes comparés à celiu de la Terre, 1785
    Diametres du Soleil et des Planetes comparés à celiu de la Terre, 1785
    Pierre Tardieu
    Series: Paris
    Pierre Tardieu, Diametres du Soleil et des Planetes comparés à celiu de la Terre, 1785
    £ 275.00
  • Jean-Dominique Cassini, Réduction de la grande Carte de la Lune de J. Dom. Cassini, 1788
    Réduction de la grande Carte de la Lune de J. Dom. Cassini, 1788
    Jean-Dominique Cassini
    Series: Paris
    Jean-Dominique Cassini, Réduction de la grande Carte de la Lune de J. Dom. Cassini, 1788
    £ 4,500.00
  • Friedrich Justin Bertuch, La Lune et ses Montagnes, 1796
    La Lune et ses Montagnes, 1796
    Friedrich Justin Bertuch
    Series: Weimar
    Friedrich Justin Bertuch, La Lune et ses Montagnes, 1796
    £ 450.00
  • Peter Delamar, Tables for computing the effect of refraction on Lunar Distances, 1802
    Tables for computing the effect of refraction on Lunar Distances, 1802
    Peter Delamar
    Series: Philadelphia
    Peter Delamar, Tables for computing the effect of refraction on Lunar Distances, 1802
    £ 450.00
  • Duncan Bradford, Telescopic View of the Moon, Past the Last Quadrature, 1837 c.
    Telescopic View of the Moon, Past the Last Quadrature, 1837 c.
    Duncan Bradford
    Series: London
    Duncan Bradford, Telescopic View of the Moon, Past the Last Quadrature, 1837 c.
    £ 700.00
  • Duncan Bradford, Telescopic View of the Moon, The Old Moon, 1837 c.
    Telescopic View of the Moon, The Old Moon, 1837 c.
    Duncan Bradford
    Series: London
    Duncan Bradford, Telescopic View of the Moon, The Old Moon, 1837 c.
    £ 700.00
  • James Reynolds, Cometes et Aérolithes, 1850 c.
    Cometes et Aérolithes, 1850 c.
    James Reynolds
    Series: Brussels
    James Reynolds, Cometes et Aérolithes, 1850 c.
    £ 295.00
  • James Reynolds, The Sun and Solar Phenomena, 1850 c.
    The Sun and Solar Phenomena, 1850 c.
    James Reynolds
    Series: London
    James Reynolds, The Sun and Solar Phenomena, 1850 c.
    £ 325.00
  • James Reynolds, Transparent Diagram of the Phases of the Moon, 1850 c.
    Transparent Diagram of the Phases of the Moon, 1850 c.
    James Reynolds
    Series: London
    James Reynolds, Transparent Diagram of the Phases of the Moon, 1850 c.
    £ 950.00
  • James Reynolds, Transparent Solar System, displaying the Planets with their Orbits, as known at the present day., 1850 c.
    Transparent Solar System, displaying the Planets with their Orbits, as known at the present day., 1850 c.
    James Reynolds
    Series: London
    James Reynolds, Transparent Solar System, displaying the Planets with their Orbits, as known at the present day., 1850 c.
    £ 950.00
  • Justus Perthes, The Moon - Three Views of the Sea of Crises, 1858
    The Moon - Three Views of the Sea of Crises, 1858
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, The Moon - Three Views of the Sea of Crises, 1858
    £ 225.00
  • James Reynolds, Eclipses, 1865 c.
    Eclipses, 1865 c.
    James Reynolds
    Series: London
    James Reynolds, Eclipses, 1865 c.
    £ 850.00
  • James Reynolds, The Solar System, 1865 c.
    The Solar System, 1865 c.
    James Reynolds
    Series: London
    James Reynolds, The Solar System, 1865 c.
    £ 850.00
  • W. & A.K. Johnston, Eclipse of the Moon, 1884
    Eclipse of the Moon, 1884
    W. & A.K. Johnston
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    W. & A.K. Johnston, Eclipse of the Moon, 1884
    £ 225.00
  • W. & A.K. Johnston, Astronomy - The Day/Night Cycle, Seasons & Tides, 1887
    Astronomy - The Day/Night Cycle, Seasons & Tides, 1887
    W. & A.K. Johnston
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    W. & A.K. Johnston, Astronomy - The Day/Night Cycle, Seasons & Tides, 1887
    £ 225.00
  • Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 11th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    11th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball
    Series: London
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 11th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    £ 180.00
  • Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 12th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    12th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball
    Series: London
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 12th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    £ 180.00
  • Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 13th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    13th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball
    Series: London
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 13th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    £ 180.00
  • Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 10th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    10th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball
    Series: London
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 10th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    £ 180.00
  • Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 9th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    9th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball
    Series: London
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 9th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    £ 180.00
  • Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 8th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    8th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball
    Series: London
    Sir Robert Stawell Ball, 8th Day [Moon Phase], 1893
    £ 180.00
  • William Collins, The Moon, 1895 c
    The Moon, 1895 c
    William Collins
    William Collins, The Moon, 1895 c
    £ 68.00
  • F.A. Brockhaus, Übersichtskarte des Mondes, 1898 c.
    Übersichtskarte des Mondes, 1898 c.
    F.A. Brockhaus
    Series: Leipzig
    F.A. Brockhaus, Übersichtskarte des Mondes, 1898 c.
    £ 300.00
  • W. & A.K. Johnston, Astronomy - Comets, 1903
    Astronomy - Comets, 1903
    W. & A.K. Johnston
    Series: London
    W. & A.K. Johnston, Astronomy - Comets, 1903
    £ 95.00
  • Hans Krämer, Near Side of the Moon, 1905
    Near Side of the Moon, 1905
    Hans Krämer
    Series: Berlin
    Hans Krämer, Near Side of the Moon, 1905
    £ 275.00
  • Rand, McNally & Co., The Moon, 1958
    The Moon, 1958
    Rand, McNally & Co.
    Series: Chicago
    Rand, McNally & Co., The Moon, 1958
    £ 500.00
  • Army Map Service, Topographic Map of the Moon, 1964
    Topographic Map of the Moon, 1964
    Army Map Service
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    Army Map Service, Topographic Map of the Moon, 1964
    £ 3,250.00
  • NASA, Gemini Tracking Network... Revolution 206 thru 210, 1965
    Gemini Tracking Network... Revolution 206 thru 210, 1965
    Series: USA
    NASA, Gemini Tracking Network... Revolution 206 thru 210, 1965
    £ 250.00
  • C.S. Hammond & Co., Moon Chart, presented by Above and Beyond, 1966
    Moon Chart, presented by Above and Beyond, 1966
    C.S. Hammond & Co.
    Series: St. Louis
    C.S. Hammond & Co., Moon Chart, presented by Above and Beyond, 1966
    £ 200.00
  • US Air Force, US Air Force Lunar Earthside Mosaic, 1966
    US Air Force Lunar Earthside Mosaic, 1966
    US Air Force
    Series: USA
  • Hans Schwarzenbach, The Moon, 1967
    The Moon, 1967
    Hans Schwarzenbach
    Series: Switzerland
    Hans Schwarzenbach, The Moon, 1967
    £ 2,500.00
  • US Air Force, US Air Force Map of the Moon, 1967
    US Air Force Map of the Moon, 1967
    US Air Force
    Series: St. Louis, Missouri
    US Air Force, US Air Force Map of the Moon, 1967
    £ 500.00
  • Hallwag, The Conquest of Space, 1969
    The Conquest of Space, 1969
    Series: Bern
    Hallwag, The Conquest of Space, 1969
    £ 1,500.00
  • Dr. F. Holzel, Mond. Moon. Lune., 1969
    Mond. Moon. Lune., 1969
    Dr. F. Holzel
    Series: Germany
    Dr. F. Holzel, Mond. Moon. Lune., 1969
    £ 975.00
  • A. Hoen & Company, The Earth's Moon, 1969
    The Earth's Moon, 1969
    A. Hoen & Company
    Series: Baltimore
    A. Hoen & Company, The Earth's Moon, 1969
    £ 975.00
  • C.S. Hammond & Co., Trip to the Moon, 1969
    Trip to the Moon, 1969
    C.S. Hammond & Co.
    Series: New Jersey
    C.S. Hammond & Co., Trip to the Moon, 1969
    £ 450.00
  • NASA, Apollo 12, Site 7, Landing Area Map, 1969 c.
    Apollo 12, Site 7, Landing Area Map, 1969 c.
    Series: Houston, Texas
    NASA, Apollo 12, Site 7, Landing Area Map, 1969 c.
    £ 3,500.00
  • George Zaffo, Lipton's Lunar Space Map, 1969 c.
    Lipton's Lunar Space Map, 1969 c.
    George Zaffo
    George Zaffo, Lipton's Lunar Space Map, 1969 c.
    £ 850.00
  • Michael Ramus, Myths, Maps & Men - Merrill Lynch Salutes the Year of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Myths, Maps & Men - Merrill Lynch Salutes the Year of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Michael Ramus
    Series: New York
    Michael Ramus, Myths, Maps & Men - Merrill Lynch Salutes the Year of the Moon, 1969 c.
    £ 1,800.00
  • Rand, McNally & Co., Rand McNally Official Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Rand McNally Official Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Rand, McNally & Co.
    Series: Chicago
    Rand, McNally & Co., Rand McNally Official Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    £ 2,500.00
  • Rand, McNally & Co., Rand McNally Official Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Rand McNally Official Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Rand, McNally & Co.
    Series: Chicago
    Rand, McNally & Co., Rand McNally Official Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    £ 1,250.00
  • Anonymous, Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    Anonymous, Map of the Moon, 1969 c.
    £ 395.00
  • North American Rockwell, The Moon, 1969 c.
    The Moon, 1969 c.
    North American Rockwell
    Series: California
    North American Rockwell, The Moon, 1969 c.
    £ 1,200.00
  • NASA, Lunar Landing Mission Profile, 1969 c.
    Lunar Landing Mission Profile, 1969 c.
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    NASA, Lunar Landing Mission Profile, 1969 c.
    £ 450 (framed)
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS), The Moon, 1970 c.
    The Moon, 1970 c.
    United States Geological Survey (USGS)
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    United States Geological Survey (USGS), The Moon, 1970 c.
    £ 4,500.00
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS), Geologic Map of the Moon, 1971
    Geologic Map of the Moon, 1971
    United States Geological Survey (USGS)
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    United States Geological Survey (USGS), Geologic Map of the Moon, 1971
    £ 1,900.00
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS), Geologic Map of the North Side of the Moon, 1978
    Geologic Map of the North Side of the Moon, 1978
    United States Geological Survey (USGS)
    Series: Denver
    United States Geological Survey (USGS), Geologic Map of the North Side of the Moon, 1978
    £ 2,200.00