Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Northwest India, 1752£ 365.00
James Rennell, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Turkestan, 1792£ 445.00
John Walker, Map of the Countries on the North West Frontier of India, 1841£ 4,850.00
William Houghton Allen & Co., The Punjab, Pakistan & Afghanistan, 1844£ 950.00
James Wyld, Sketch of the Battle of Chilleanwala, 1849£ 2,500.00
John Tallis, Cabool, The Punjab and Beloochistan, 1851£ 525.00
J. & C. Walker, Map of the Punjab, Western Himalaya, and adjoining parts of Tibet, 1854£ 2,450.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Pakistan and north-west India, 1871£ 195.00
Letts & Son, Afghanistan, Beluchistan and Punjab, 1883£ 145.00