Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries, Early Woodcut Map of Spain & Portugal, 1541£ 2,850.00
Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries, Ptolemaic Map of Spain & Portugal, 1541£ 2,150.00
Sebastian Münster, Spain & Portugal, 1558£ 495.00
Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Toledo & Valladolid, 1575£ 1,650.00
Abraham Ortelius, Spain and Portugal, 1584£ 950.00
Lucas Waghenaer, Sea Chart of the Algarve, 1584 c.£ 1,100.00
Abraham Ortelius, Kingdom of Valencia, 1592£ 925.00
Abraham Ortelius, Cadiz, Toledo & Gipuzkoa (Basque Country), 1592£ 985.00
Giovanni Antonio Magini, Spain & Portugal, 1596£ 325.00
Abraham Ortelius, Andalucia & Seville, 1598£ 1,350.00
Matthias Quad, Portugal, 1609£ 425.00
Petrus Bertius, Mallorca (Majorca) & Menorca (Minorca), 1616£ 575.00
Tomaso Porcacchi, Menorca (Minorca), 1620£ 475.00
Mercator Hondius, Dutch Golden Age map of Portugal, 1620 c.£ 1,250.00
Mercator Hondius, Kingdom of Valencia, 1620 c.£ 425.00
Mercator Hondius, Hispania, 1621£ 365.00
Mercator Hondius, Castile-León, 1628£ 185.00
Mercator Hondius, Asturias, Cantabria, Vizcaya, Guipuzcoa & Navarra., 1634£ 345.00
Mercator Hondius, Aragon & Catalunya (Catalonia), 1635£ 165.00
Mercator Hondius, Kingdom of Valencia, 1635£ 225.00
Mercator Hondius, Castile-León, 1635£ 185.00
Mercator Hondius, Castile-León, 1636£ 595.00
Jodocus & Henricus Hondius, Kingdom of Aragon, 1636£ 495.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Andalucía (Andalusia), 1640 c.£ 650.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Kingdom of Aragon, 1640 c.£ 600.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Kingdom of Galicia, 1640 c.£ 695.00
Matthäus Merian, Spain & Portugal, 1640 c.£ 495.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Mallorca, Menorca & Ibiza, 1640 c.£ 1,850.00
Jan Jansson, Balearic Islands, 1650 (c.)£ 1,350.00
Jan Blaeu, Aragon & Navarra, 1650 c.£ 465.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Vizcaya, Guipuzcoa & Cantabria, 1650 c.£ 520.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Granada, Murcia and Barbary Coast, 1650 c.£ 685.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Kingdom of Navarra, 1650 c.£ 480.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Portugal showing the Kingdom of Algarve, 1650 c.£ 1,150.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Kingdom of Valencia, 1650 c.£ 550.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Castille, 1650 c.£ 495.00
Jan Jansson, Granada and Murcia, 1666£ 645.00
John Speed, Spain and Portugal, 1676£ 1,950.00
Nicolas Sanson, Iberian Peninsula, 1679£ 195.00
Frederick De Wit, Dutch Golden Age map of Catalonia, 1680 c.£ 825.00
Alain Manesson Mallet, Early miniature map of the Canary Islands, 1683£ 225.00
Robert Morden, Miniature map of Spain and Portugal, 1688£ 185.00
Robert Morden, Miniature map of Portugal, 1688£ 265.00
Robert Morden, Canary Islands and Madeira, 1688£ 285.00
Robert Morden, Rare miniature map of the Azores, 1688£ 225.00
Cornelis & Justus Danckerts, Spain and Portugal, 1690 c.£ 695.00
Frederick De Wit, Spain and Portugal, 1690 c.£ 800.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Madeira and view of Funchal, 1690 c.£ 695.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Early map of Mallorca, 1692£ 985.00
Giovanni Giacomo Rossi, Two sheet map of Portugal, 1692£ 1,250.00
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot, Portugal with the Kingdom of the Algarves., 1695£ 1,500.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Chart of the Straits of Gibraltar , 1696£ 445.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Portugal, 1696£ 995.00
Pierre Mortier, Chart the Azores, 1700£ 1,500.00
Johannes van Keulen, Chart of the Balearic Islands and Spanish coast, 1700 c.£ 2,350.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, The Canary Islands, 1705£ 545.00
Nicolas de Fer, Galicia, 1705£ 395.00
Nicolas de Fer, Portugal, 1705£ 350.00
Nicolas de Fer, Straits of Gibraltar, 1705£ 495.00
Nicolas de Fer, Northeast Spain, 1705£ 285.00
Nicolas de Fer, Southern Spain & Gibraltar , 1705£ 285.00
Nicolas de Fer, Lisbon, 1705£ 495.00
Pierre Mortier, Chart of the coast of Portugal and Gibraltar, 1708£ 1,400.00
Pierre Mortier, Chart of the north coast of Spain, 1708£ 785.00
Valk & Schenk, The Balearic Islands, 1710 c.£ 1,350.00
Gerhard Valk, Andalucia and southern Portugal, 1710 c.£ 525.00
Herman Moll, Large map of Spain and Portugal, 1711£ 2,750.00
Pieter van der Aa, Chart of the Canary Islands and Madeira, 1714£ 495.00
Pieter van der Aa, Spain and Portugal, 1714£ 395.00
Pieter van der Aa, Bay of Cadiz, 1715£ 145.00
Pieter van der Aa, Andalucia and Granada, 1715£ 195.00
Pieter van der Aa, Castile region, 1715£ 195.00
Alain Manesson Mallet, Cadiz, 1719£ 120.00
Jacques Chiquet, Spain and Portugal, 1719£ 295.00
Jacques Chiquet, Portugal, Southwest Spain and Gibraltar, 1719£ 245.00
Johann Baptist Homann, Decorative plan of Madrid, 1720 c.£ 1,850.00
Herman Moll, Spain and Portugal, 1720 c.£ 150.00
Henri Michelot and Laurent Brémond, Rare sea chart of the Balearic Islands and Spanish coasr, 1723£ 4,250.00
Henri Michelot and Laurent Brémond, Western Mediterranean Sea Chart, 1726£ 2,650.00
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