• Famiano Strada, Leo Belgicus, 1645
    Leo Belgicus, 1645
    Famiano Strada
    Series: Leiden
    Famiano Strada, Leo Belgicus, 1645
    £ 2,500.00
  • Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Battle of Malplaquet, 1740 c.
    Battle of Malplaquet, 1740 c.
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal
    Series: London
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Battle of Malplaquet, 1740 c.
    £ 325.00
  • Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Battle of Oudenard, 1740 c.
    Battle of Oudenard, 1740 c.
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal
    Series: London
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Battle of Oudenard, 1740 c.
    £ 325.00
  • Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Battle of Ramillies, 1740 c.
    Battle of Ramillies, 1740 c.
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal
    Series: London
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Battle of Ramillies, 1740 c.
    £ 325.00
  • Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Siege map of Toulon, 1740 c.
    Siege map of Toulon, 1740 c.
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal
    Series: London
    Paul de Rapin & Nicolas Tindal, Siege map of Toulon, 1740 c.
    £ 80.00
  • William Owen, French & Indian War Map of New England, 1755
    French & Indian War Map of New England, 1755
    William Owen
    Series: London
    William Owen, French & Indian War Map of New England, 1755
    £ 950.00
  • Political Magazine, A Plan of the Siege of the Havana, drawn by an Officer on the spot, 1762., 1762
    A Plan of the Siege of the Havana, drawn by an Officer on the spot, 1762., 1762
    Political Magazine
    Series: London
    Political Magazine, A Plan of the Siege of the Havana, drawn by an Officer on the spot, 1762., 1762
    £ 325.00
  • Isaac Tirion, Plan of the Battle of Quebec, 1765
    Plan of the Battle of Quebec, 1765
    Isaac Tirion
    Series: Amsterdam
    Isaac Tirion, Plan of the Battle of Quebec, 1765
    £ 845.00
  • Gabriel Nikolaus Raspe, Revolutionary War map of New York island north of Harlem, 1777
    Revolutionary War map of New York island north of Harlem, 1777
    Gabriel Nikolaus Raspe
    Series: Nuremberg
    Gabriel Nikolaus Raspe, Revolutionary War map of New York island north of Harlem, 1777
    £ 2,850.00
  • Michel René Hilliard d' Auberteuil, Scarce and important Revolutionary War battle plan of the Battle of Monmouth, 1782
    Scarce and important Revolutionary War battle plan of the Battle of Monmouth, 1782
    Michel René Hilliard d' Auberteuil
    Series: Brussels
    Michel René Hilliard d' Auberteuil, Scarce and important Revolutionary War battle plan of the Battle of Monmouth, 1782
    £ 2,250.00
  • J.M. Wauthier, Battlefields. A Graphical Guide to the Places described in the History of England, 1790 c.
    Battlefields. A Graphical Guide to the Places described in the History of England, 1790 c.
    J.M. Wauthier
    Series: London
    J.M. Wauthier, Battlefields. A Graphical Guide to the Places described in the History of England, 1790 c.
    £ 495.00
  • Charles Stedman, Sketch of General Grants Position on Long Island, 1793
    Sketch of General Grants Position on Long Island, 1793
    Charles Stedman
    Series: London
    Charles Stedman, Sketch of General Grants Position on Long Island, 1793
    £ 1,250.00
  • Charles Stedman, Revolutionary War- Battle of the Capes, 1794
    Revolutionary War- Battle of the Capes, 1794
    Charles Stedman
    Series: London
    Charles Stedman, Revolutionary War- Battle of the Capes, 1794
    £ 495.00
  • John Brydon, Battle of the Nile, 1798
    Battle of the Nile, 1798
    John Brydon
    Series: London
    John Brydon, Battle of the Nile, 1798
    £ 4,950.00
  • Laurie & Whittle, Nelson’s Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
    Nelson’s Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
    Laurie & Whittle
    Laurie & Whittle, Nelson’s Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1805
    £ 3,500.00
  • Edward Orme, Nelson's Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1806
    Nelson's Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1806
    Edward Orme
    Series: London
    Edward Orme, Nelson's Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, 1806
    £ 4,500.00
  • John Cary, A Sketch of the Russian Campaign in 1812, 1813
    A Sketch of the Russian Campaign in 1812, 1813
    John Cary
    Series: London
    John Cary, A Sketch of the Russian Campaign in 1812, 1813
  • Thomas Kelly, Plan of the Battle of Waterloo, 1816
    Plan of the Battle of Waterloo, 1816
    Thomas Kelly
    Series: London
    Thomas Kelly, Plan of the Battle of Waterloo, 1816
    £ 850.00
  • William James, Map of Maj. Gen. Ross's route, with the British Column, from Benedict, on the Patuxent River, to the City of Washington, August 1814, 1818
    Map of Maj. Gen. Ross's route, with the British Column, from Benedict, on the Patuxent River, to the City of Washington, August 1814, 1818
    William James
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    William James, Map of Maj. Gen. Ross's route, with the British Column, from Benedict, on the Patuxent River, to the City of Washington, August 1814, 1818
    £ 885.00
  • Ferdinand Schroders, German caricature of central Europe, 1849
    German caricature of central Europe, 1849
    Ferdinand Schroders
    Series: Dusseldorf
    Ferdinand Schroders, German caricature of central Europe, 1849
    £ 950.00
  • James Wyld, Sketch of the Battle of Chilleanwala, 1849
    Sketch of the Battle of Chilleanwala, 1849
    James Wyld
    Series: London
    James Wyld, Sketch of the Battle of Chilleanwala, 1849
    £ 2,500.00
  • British Admiralty, Balaklava Bay, 1854
    Balaklava Bay, 1854
    British Admiralty
    Series: London
    British Admiralty, Balaklava Bay, 1854
    £ 325.00
  • Thomas Onwhyn, Comic Map of the Seat of War, with Entirely New Features, 1854
    Comic Map of the Seat of War, with Entirely New Features, 1854
    Thomas Onwhyn
    Series: London
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Camperdown, 1855
    Battle of Camperdown, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Camperdown, 1855
    £ 115.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of The Nile, 1855
    Battle of The Nile, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of The Nile, 1855
    £ 525.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Wagram, 1855
    Battle of Wagram, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: Edinburgh
    Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Wagram, 1855
    £ 75.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Siege of Saragossa, 1855
    Siege of Saragossa, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: London
    Sir Archibald Alison, Siege of Saragossa, 1855
    £ 75.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Siege of St. Jean d'Acre, 1855
    Siege of St. Jean d'Acre, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    Sir Archibald Alison, Siege of St. Jean d'Acre, 1855
    £ 65.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Malo-Jaroslawitz, 1855
    Battle of Malo-Jaroslawitz, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: Edinburgh
    Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Malo-Jaroslawitz, 1855
    £ 58.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Siege of St. Sebastian by the Allies under Wellington, 1855
    Siege of St. Sebastian by the Allies under Wellington, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: London
    Sir Archibald Alison, Siege of St. Sebastian by the Allies under Wellington, 1855
    £ 75.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 1855
    Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: London
    Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 1855
    £ 225.00
  • Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Wavre, 1855
    Battle of Wavre, 1855
    Sir Archibald Alison
    Series: Edinburgh
    Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of Wavre, 1855
    £ 68.00
  • Rock Brothers & Payne, Crimean War Treaty Map, 1856
    Crimean War Treaty Map, 1856
    Rock Brothers & Payne
    Series: London
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch of the Battle of Marathon, 1857
    Sketch of the Battle of Marathon, 1857
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch of the Battle of Marathon, 1857
    £ 82.00
  • Jan van Brederode, Dutch caricature map of Europe during the Franco-Austrian War, 1859
    Dutch caricature map of Europe during the Franco-Austrian War, 1859
    Jan van Brederode
    Series: Haarlem
    Jan van Brederode, Dutch caricature map of Europe during the Franco-Austrian War, 1859
    £ 1,250.00
  • Joseph Shannon, Map of the Upper Part of the Island of Manhattan above eighty-sixth street arranged to illustrate the Battle of Harlem Heights, 1868
    Map of the Upper Part of the Island of Manhattan above eighty-sixth street arranged to illustrate the Battle of Harlem Heights, 1868
    Joseph Shannon
    Joseph Shannon, Map of the Upper Part of the Island of Manhattan above eighty-sixth street arranged to illustrate the Battle of Harlem Heights, 1868
    £ 395.00
  • Arnold Neumann, Dutch edition of a rare German caricature map of Europe during the Franco-Prussian War, 1870
    Dutch edition of a rare German caricature map of Europe during the Franco-Prussian War, 1870
    Arnold Neumann
    Series: Haarlem
    Arnold Neumann, Dutch edition of a rare German caricature map of Europe during the Franco-Prussian War, 1870
    £ 3,500.00
  • Edward Stanford, A Map of the Nile during the Siege of Khartoum, 1884
    A Map of the Nile during the Siege of Khartoum, 1884
    Edward Stanford
    Series: London
    Edward Stanford, A Map of the Nile during the Siege of Khartoum, 1884
    £ 345.00
  • Frederick W. Rose, Angling in Troubled Waters. A Serio-Comic Map of Europe, 1899
    Angling in Troubled Waters. A Serio-Comic Map of Europe, 1899
    Frederick W. Rose
    Series: London
  • António Soares, Zoomorphic caricature map of Europe, 1914
    Zoomorphic caricature map of Europe, 1914
    António Soares
    Series: Lisbon
    António Soares, Zoomorphic caricature map of Europe, 1914
    £ 3,500.00
  • E. Zimmermann, WWI rare German Satirical map of Europe, 1914
    WWI rare German Satirical map of Europe, 1914
    E. Zimmermann
    Series: Hamburg
    E. Zimmermann, WWI rare German Satirical map of Europe, 1914
    £ 3,850.00
  • Johnson Riddle & Co., Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark!, 1914
    Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark!, 1914
    Johnson Riddle & Co.
    Series: London
  • John Henry Amschewitz, Kill That Eagle, 1914
    Kill That Eagle, 1914
    John Henry Amschewitz
    Series: London
  • Walter von Trier & Paul Hadol, Satirical Maps of Europe in 1870 & 1914, 1914
    Satirical Maps of Europe in 1870 & 1914, 1914
    Walter von Trier & Paul Hadol
    Series: Berlin
    Walter von Trier & Paul Hadol, Satirical Maps of Europe in 1870 & 1914, 1914
    £ 1,800.00
  • Editions-G.D., WWI French caricature map of Europe, 1915
    WWI French caricature map of Europe, 1915
    Series: Paris
    Editions-G.D., WWI French caricature map of Europe, 1915
    £ 4,500.00
  • The Graphic Magazine, WWi - the Battle of Verdun, 1916
    WWi - the Battle of Verdun, 1916
    The Graphic Magazine
    Series: London
    The Graphic Magazine, WWi - the Battle of Verdun, 1916
    £ 125.00
  • Maurice Neumont, War is Prussia's National Industry, 1917
    War is Prussia's National Industry, 1917
    Maurice Neumont
    Maurice Neumont, War is Prussia's National Industry, 1917
    £ 1,500.00
  • German Government, Freiheit der Meere, 1918
    Freiheit der Meere, 1918
    German Government
    Series: Germany
    German Government, Freiheit der Meere, 1918
    £ 1,500.00
  • Ordnance Survey, Heligoland 28th August 1914 General Chart of the Action, 1919
    Heligoland 28th August 1914 General Chart of the Action, 1919
    Ordnance Survey
    Series: London
    Ordnance Survey, Heligoland 28th August 1914 General Chart of the Action, 1919
    £ 225.00
  • George Philip & Son Ltd., Strategic Record Map of the Western Front, 1920 c
    Strategic Record Map of the Western Front, 1920 c
    George Philip & Son Ltd.
    Series: London
    George Philip & Son Ltd., Strategic Record Map of the Western Front, 1920 c
    £ 345.00
  • Harmsworth, Dixmude to Arras, 1920 c.
    Dixmude to Arras, 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Dixmude to Arras, 1920 c.
    £ 44.00
  • Harmsworth, Lens and Arras, 1920 c.
    Lens and Arras, 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Lens and Arras, 1920 c.
    £ 42.00
  • Harmsworth, Western Front (British and German Attacks), 1920 c.
    Western Front (British and German Attacks), 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Western Front (British and German Attacks), 1920 c.
    £ 75.00
  • Harmsworth, Western Front - Cambrai and Bourlon Wood, 1920 c.
    Western Front - Cambrai and Bourlon Wood, 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Western Front - Cambrai and Bourlon Wood, 1920 c.
    £ 58.00
  • Harmsworth, Western Front Battle Lines March to Nov. 1918, 1920 c.
    Western Front Battle Lines March to Nov. 1918, 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Western Front Battle Lines March to Nov. 1918, 1920 c.
    £ 62.00
  • Harmsworth, Western Front : Loos and Hohenzollern Redoubt, 1920 c.
    Western Front : Loos and Hohenzollern Redoubt, 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Western Front : Loos and Hohenzollern Redoubt, 1920 c.
    £ 68.00
  • Harmsworth, Battle of the Somme, 1920 c.
    Battle of the Somme, 1920 c.
    Series: London
    Harmsworth, Battle of the Somme, 1920 c.
    £ 86.00
  • André Galland, French Anti-Disarmament Propaganda, 1932
    French Anti-Disarmament Propaganda, 1932
    André Galland
    Series: Paris
    André Galland, French Anti-Disarmament Propaganda, 1932
    £ 1,800.00
  • George W. Buohl, Buohl's Illustrated Map and Guide to Tour The Gettysburg Battlefield, 1936
    Buohl's Illustrated Map and Guide to Tour The Gettysburg Battlefield, 1936
    George W. Buohl
    Series: Gettysburg, PA
    George W. Buohl, Buohl's Illustrated Map and Guide to Tour The Gettysburg Battlefield, 1936
    £ 250.00
  • Kingu Magazine (キング), Pre-WW2 Japanese Map of Europe, 1936
    Pre-WW2 Japanese Map of Europe, 1936
    Kingu Magazine (キング)
    Series: Tokyo
    Kingu Magazine (キング), Pre-WW2 Japanese Map of Europe, 1936
    £ 950.00
  • J. Loeb, Spanish Civil War News Map, 1937
    Spanish Civil War News Map, 1937
    J. Loeb
    Series: New York
    J. Loeb, Spanish Civil War News Map, 1937
    £ 950.00
  • John Groth, WW2 Pictorial map of South America, 1938
    WW2 Pictorial map of South America, 1938
    John Groth
    Series: Baltimore
    John Groth, WW2 Pictorial map of South America, 1938
    £ 950.00
  • William Bromage, War Map of Europe and the Mediterranean, 1939
    War Map of Europe and the Mediterranean, 1939
    William Bromage
    Series: London
    William Bromage, War Map of Europe and the Mediterranean, 1939
    £ 245.00
  • Anonymous, WW2 Map of Europe, 1939
    WW2 Map of Europe, 1939
    Anonymous, WW2 Map of Europe, 1939
    £ 750.00
  • G. & J. Bartholomew, The Western Front at the Outbreak of WW2, 1939
    The Western Front at the Outbreak of WW2, 1939
    G. & J. Bartholomew
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    G. & J. Bartholomew, The Western Front at the Outbreak of WW2, 1939
    £ 175.00
  • Anonymous, Nazi War Aims: Grab! Grab! GRAB!!!, 1939 c.
    Nazi War Aims: Grab! Grab! GRAB!!!, 1939 c.
    Series: London
    Anonymous, Nazi War Aims: Grab! Grab! GRAB!!!, 1939 c.
    £ 850.00
  • Luftwaffe, WW2-era map of Minsk, 1941 c.
    WW2-era map of Minsk, 1941 c.
    Series: Berlin
    Luftwaffe, WW2-era map of Minsk, 1941 c.
    £ 595.00
  • S.P.K., WWII, 1941 c.
    WWII, 1941 c.
    S.P.K., WWII, 1941 c.
    £ 850.00
  • East African Survey Group, British Army, WWII commemorative map of northern Ethiopia, 1942
    WWII commemorative map of northern Ethiopia, 1942
    East African Survey Group, British Army
    Series: East Africa
    East African Survey Group, British Army, WWII commemorative map of northern Ethiopia, 1942
    £ 495.00
  • S.P.K., WWII Propaganda poster, 1942
    WWII Propaganda poster, 1942
    Series: Paris
  • S.P.K., Vichy French Churchill Octopus Map, 1942
    Vichy French Churchill Octopus Map, 1942
    Series: Paris
    S.P.K., Vichy French Churchill Octopus Map, 1942
    £ 2,500.00
  • Richard Edes Harrison, One World One War, 1942
    One World One War, 1942
    Richard Edes Harrison
    Series: New York
    Richard Edes Harrison, One World One War, 1942
    £ 1,800.00
  • F.E. Cheeseman, Wings Over the World... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Aviation Cavalcade, 1942
    Wings Over the World... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Aviation Cavalcade, 1942
    F.E. Cheeseman
    Series: Milwaukee
    F.E. Cheeseman, Wings Over the World... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Aviation Cavalcade, 1942
    £ 750.00
  • Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), WW2 Map of the East Indies, 1942
    WW2 Map of the East Indies, 1942
    Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS)
    Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), WW2 Map of the East Indies, 1942
    £ 450.00
  • Anonymous, German Propaganda map attacking the Atlantic Charter, 1942 c.
    German Propaganda map attacking the Atlantic Charter, 1942 c.
    Series: Germany
    Anonymous, German Propaganda map attacking the Atlantic Charter, 1942 c.
    £ 4,500.00
  • Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Global Map for Global War and Global Peace, 1943
    Global Map for Global War and Global Peace, 1943
    Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA)
    Series: New York
    Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Global Map for Global War and Global Peace, 1943
    £ 650.00
  • J. Weiner, WWII, 1943 c.
    WWII, 1943 c.
    J. Weiner
    J. Weiner, WWII, 1943 c.
    £ 2,500.00
  • Anonymous, Portuguese WW2 Propaganda, 1943 c.
    Portuguese WW2 Propaganda, 1943 c.
    Series: Portugal
    Anonymous, Portuguese WW2 Propaganda, 1943 c.
    £ 650.00
  • US Navy Educational Services Section, WW2-era map of the Pacific, 1944
    WW2-era map of the Pacific, 1944
    US Navy Educational Services Section
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    US Navy Educational Services Section, WW2-era map of the Pacific, 1944
    £ 3,000.00
  • US Navy Educational Services Section, Nav War Map No. 6 - We Fight A Global War, 1944
    Nav War Map No. 6 - We Fight A Global War, 1944
    US Navy Educational Services Section
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    US Navy Educational Services Section, Nav War Map No. 6 - We Fight A Global War, 1944
    £ 2,200.00
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