Athanasius Kircher, Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos, 1670 c.£ 2,700.00
Johann Zahn, Tabula Geographico-Hydrographica Motus Oceani, Currentes, Abyssos, Montes Ignivomos in Universo Orbe Indicans, 1696£ 3,950.00
Die Ebbe und Fluth auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten Furgestelt, 1708Eberhard Werner HappelSeries: UlmEberhard Werner Happel, Die Ebbe und Fluth auff einer Flachen Landt-Karten Furgestelt, 1708£ 2,750.00
J.C. & J.A. Dezauche, Planisphere Physique, 1780£ 1,150.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, Physical Chart of the Indian Ocean, 1848£ 295.00
Carl Christian Franz Radefeld, Der Warme Meeresstrom des Atlantischen und Der Kalte Strom des Grossen Oceans, 1858£ 88.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Chart of the Currents Off the Cape of Good Hope, 1865£ 345.00
Justus Perthes, Route of the Challenger Expedition to the Antarctic, 1874£ 295.00
Victor Clerot, Mappemonde Orographique et Hydrographique, 1875 c.£ 4,500.00
James Imray, The Indian Ocean, 1882£ 52.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Coral Reefs in the Pacific Ocean, 1888£ 195.00
John Murray, Challenger Expedition - Sydney to Wellington, 1890£ 295.00
William Saville-Kent, Great Barrier Reef of Australia, 1893£ 1,400.00
Justus Perthes, Annual Temperatures of the World's Oceans, 1893£ 145.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Antarctic Research, 1894£ 2,750.00
Justus Perthes, Indian Ocean, 1895£ 38.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, Chart of the World on Mercators Projection, 1898 (c.)£ 295.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Bathymetrical Survey of the South Atlantic Ocean and Weddell Sea, 1905£ 1,250.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Deep Sea Deposits of the South Atlantic Ocean and Weddell Sea, 1905£ 950.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Indian Ocean, 1906£ 195.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Great Barrier Reef - Low Isles, 1930£ 385.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Three Isles (Great Barrier Reef), 1930£ 385.00
LIFE Magazine, The New Portrait of Our Planet - The Earth without Water, 1960Reserved