Pieter van den Keere, Hereford Shire, 1668£ 55.00
Richard Blome, A General Mapp of the Countie of Cumberland, 1673£ 275.00
Richard Blome, A Generall Mapp of Dorsetshire, 1673£ 495.00
Richard Blome, A generall Mapp of the County of Hereford, 1673£ 175.00
Richard Blome, A Generall Mapp of the County of Oxford with its Hundreds, 1673£ 395.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Bedfordshire: with its Hundreds, 1673£ 195.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Buckinghamshire, 1673£ 245.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Cambridgeshire, 1673£ 245.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Devonshire, 1673£ 395.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Glocestershire, 1673£ 395.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Hantshire, 1673£ 495.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Hertfordshire, 1673£ 275.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Huntingtonshire, 1673£ 95.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Kent, 1673£ 445.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Nottingham Shire with its Weapontakes, 1673£ 175.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Staffordshire with its Hundreds, 1673£ 245.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Surrey with its Hundreds, 1673£ 495.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of the County of Leicester, 1673£ 145.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of the County of Somerset with its Hundreds, 1673£ 395.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of the County of Suffolk with its Hundreds, 1673£ 395.00
Richard Blome, Isles of Wight, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Orkneys and Shetland, 1673£ 265.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of the West Ridinge of Yorkshire with its Weapontakes, 1673£ 295.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Warwickshire with its Hundreds, 1673£ 275.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of Worchestershire with its Hundreds, 1673£ 265.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of ye Bishoprick of Durham, 1673£ 195.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of ye County Lincolne, 1673£ 295.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of ye County of Essex, 1673£ 495.00
Richard Blome, Middlesex, or North & West London, 1673£ 475.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of the County of Sussex, 1673£ 465.00
Richard Blome, A Mapp of ye East Rideing of Yorkshire, 1673 c.£ 165.00
John Ogilby, The Road from London to Winchester, 1675£ 450.00
John Speed, Cambridgeshire described with the deuision of the Hundreds, the Townes situation with the Armes of the Colleges of that famous Vniuersiti, 1676£ 3,250.00
John Speed, Essex, 1676£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Norfolk A Countie Florishing & Populous Described and Devided, 1676£ 1,150.00
Pieter van den Keere, Nottingha Shire, 1676£ 78.00
John Speed, Stafford Countie and Towne with the ancient Citie Lichfeild described, 1676£ 450.00
John Speed, The Bishoprick and Citie of Durham, 1676£ 1,250.00
John Speed, The Countie and Citie of Lyncolne Described with the Armes of Them that have Bene Earles Thereoe Since the Conquest, 1676£ 1,450.00
John Speed, The Countie Westmorland and Kendale the Chief Towne Described, 1676£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Worcester Shire Described, 1676£ 1,150.00
The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster Described and Divided into Hundreds, 1676John SpeedSeries: LondonJohn Speed, The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster Described and Divided into Hundreds, 1676£ 3,550.00
John Speed, Yorkshire, 1676£ 1,650.00
John Seller, Cumberland, 1690 c.£ 140.00
John Seller, Hereford Shire, 1690 c.£ 55.00
John Seller, Middlesex, 1690 c.£ 195.00
John Seller, Northampton Shire, 1690 c.£ 95.00
John Seller, Westmorland County, 1690 c.£ 155.00
John Seller, Worcester Shire, 1690 c.£ 120.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Kingdom of England, 1692 c.£ 1,250.00
Capt. Greenvile Collins, Sea Chart of Lands End & the Scilly Isles, 1693£ 445.00
Robert Morden, Bark Shire, 1695£ 445.00
Robert Morden, Bedford Shire, 1695£ 165.00
Robert Morden, Episcopatus Dunelmensis Vulgo The Bishoprick of Durham, 1695£ 125.00
Robert Morden, Hereford Shire, 1695£ 95.00
Robert Morden, Leicester Shire, 1695£ 175.00
Robert Morden, Lincolnshire, 1695£ 245.00
Robert Morden, Stafford Shire, 1695£ 245.00
Robert Morden, Sussex, 1695£ 395.00
Robert Morden, Westmorland, 1695£ 195.00
Robert Morden, Worcester Shire, 1695£ 265.00
Robert Morden, Oxford Shire, 1695£ 495.00
Robert Morden, Middlesex, or North and West London, 1695£ 345.00
Robert Morden, Northampton Shire, 1695£ 185.00
Robert Morden, Wiltshire, 1695£ 335.00
Robert Morden, Nottingham Shire, 1695 c.£ 120.00
John Ogilby, The Continuation of the Road from London to the Lands End, 1698£ 195.00
John Ogilby, The Road from Hereford to Leicester, 1698£ 195.00
John Ogilby, The Road from King's Lyn to Harwich, 1698£ 195.00
John Ogilby, The Roads from Chelmsford in Essex to Maldon, Raleigh, Gravesend, 1698£ 325.00
John Ogilby, The Roads from Chelmsford in Essex to St. Edmonds-Bury in Suffolk & Saffron-Walden in Essex, 1698£ 295.00
Nicolas Sanson, England during the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy, 1700£ 475.00
John Oliver, St. Albans, 1700£ 795.00
Valk & Schenk, Devoniae, 1700 c.£ 885.00
Capt. Greenvile Collins, The Islands of Scilly, 1700 c.£ 1,450.00
Robert Morden, Cornwall, 1701£ 295.00
Robert Morden, Barkshire, 1708£ 245.00
Robert Morden, Buckinghamshire, 1708£ 185.00
Robert Morden, Cambridgshire, 1708£ 185.00
Robert Morden, Cumberland, 1708£ 185.00
Robert Morden, Durham, 1708£ 165.00
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