Hartmann Schedel, The Earliest Printed View of an English Town, 1493£ 1,400.00
Georg Braun & Frans Hogenberg, Cambridge, 1575£ 2,750.00
Abraham Ortelius, Kingdom of England, 1584£ 850.00
John Norden & William Kip, Surrey olim sedes Regnorum, 1607£ 395.00
Matthias Quad, Angliae reni florentissimi noua descriptio, 1609£ 850.00
John Norden & William Kip, Cantivm Quod nunc Kent, 1610£ 625.00
John Speed, Barkshire Described, 1611£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Cornwall, 1611£ 3,750.00
John Speed, Glocestershire, 1611£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Hartford Shire Described, 1611£ 1,350.00
John Speed, Northamtonshire, 1611£ 1,250.00
John Speed, Northumberland, 1611£ 1,450.00
John Speed, Suffolke, 1611£ 1,650.00
John Speed, Surrey Inscribed and Divided into Hundreds, 1611£ 3,450.00
John Speed, Surrey Inscribed and Divided into Hundreds, 1611£ 4,450.00
John Speed, Sussex Described, 1611£ 2,450.00
John Speed, The West Ridinge of Yorkshyre, 1611£ 1,850.00
John Speed, Jersey, Guernsey, Holy Island & Farne Islands, 1611£ 3,250.00
John Speed, Middlesex, London & Westminster, 1611£ 2,650.00
John Speed, Hantshire described and devided, 1611£ 2,550.00
Michael Drayton, Bedforde Shire, 1612£ 625.00
Michael Drayton, Herefordshire, 1612£ 250.00
Michael Drayton, Middlesex & Hertfordshire, 1612£ 775.00
Michael Drayton, [Staffordshire], 1612£ 495.00
Michael Drayton, [Surrey], 1612£ 950.00
Michael Drayton, Ches Shyre, 1613£ 450.00
Michael Drayton, Kent, 1613£ 445.00
Michael Drayton, [Warwick Shyre], 1613£ 350.00
John Speed, Bedford Shire, 1614£ 950.00
John Speed, Cumberland and the Ancient Citie Carlile Described with many Memorable Antiqvities Therein Found Observed, 1614£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Devonshire, 1614£ 2,650.00
John Speed, Dorsetshyre, 1614£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Essex, devided into its Hundreds, with the most antient and fayre Towne Colchester Described and other memorable Monuments observed, 1614£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Hereford-shire, 1614£ 500.00
John Speed, Huntingdon: Both Shire and Shire Towne with the Ancient Citie Ely Described, 1614£ 725.00
John Speed, Leicester, 1614£ 1,200.00
John Speed, Northamtonshire, 1614£ 1,250.00
Stafford Countie and Towne with the Ancient Citie Lichfield described., 1614John SpeedSeries: LondonJohn Speed, Stafford Countie and Towne with the Ancient Citie Lichfield described., 1614£ 875.00
John Speed, The Kingdome of England, 1614£ 3,750.00
John Speed, The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire, 1614£ 1,550.00
John Speed, Jersey, Guernsey, Farne Islands & Holy Island, 1614£ 595.00
John Speed, Wilshire, 1616£ 1,750.00
John Speed, Barkshire Described, 1616£ 2,750.00
John Speed, Gloucestershire, 1616£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Suffolke described and divided into Hundreds, 1616£ 1,800.00
Mercator Hondius, Southeast England & the Home Counties, 1620 c.£ 545.00
Mercator Hondius, Southeast England, 1621£ 195.00
Pieter van den Keere, Huntingdon Shire, 1626£ 65.00
John Bill, Surrey, 1626£ 545.00
John Speed, Cornwall, 1627£ 3,750.00
Pieter van den Keere, Hartfordia Comitatus, 1627£ 115.00
Pieter van den Keere, Middlesex, or North & West London, 1627£ 295.00
Pieter van den Keere, Northampton Shire, 1627£ 90.00
John Speed, Oxfordshire described, with ye Citie and the Armes of the Colledges of yt famous University. Ao. 1605, 1627£ 2,850.00
John Speed, Rutlandshire, 1627£ 445.00
John Speed, The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire, 1627£ 1,250.00
John Speed, Devonshire, 1627£ 2,450.00
Pieter van den Keere, Leicester Shire, 1627£ 145.00
Pieter van den Keere, Worcestershire, 1627£ 125.00
John Speed, Hantshire described and devided, 1627£ 2,550.00
John Speed, Sussex Described, 1627£ 2,000.00
Mercator Hondius, Angliae III Tabvla, 1628£ 165.00
Mercator Hondius, Southwest England & South Wales, 1635£ 225.00
Mercator Hondius, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Wight & Anglesey, 1635£ 195.00
Christopher Saxton & William Kip, Bedford Comitatus olim pars Cathifuclanorum, 1637£ 335.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Bercherie, 1637£ 495.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Buckingha Comitatus, in quo olim insederunt Cattieuchlani, 1637£ 395.00
John Norden & William Kip, Cantivm, 1637£ 685.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Cestriae, 1637£ 645.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Comitatus Bercheriae vulgo Barkshyre, 1637£ 495.00
Christopher Saxton & William Kip, Cumbria sive Cumberlandia, 1637£ 425.00
Christopher Saxton & William Kip, Devoniae, 1637£ 625.00
Christopher Saxton & William Kip, Dunelmensis, 1637£ 295.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Eboracensis Comitatus pars Orientalis vulgo East Riding, 1637£ 195.00
William Kip, Essexia, 1637£ 695.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Frugiferi ac Ameni Herefordiae, 1637£ 165.00
Christopher Saxton & William Hole, Glocestriae Comitatus olim sedes Dobvnorum, 1637£ 625.00
John Norden & William Kip, Hertfordiae, 1637£ 495.00
Christopher Saxton & William Kip, Hvntingdon Comitatus qui pars fuir Icenorvm, 1637£ 225.00
of 15