Claudius Ptolemy & Laurent Fries, Ptolemaic map of Sarmatia, 1541£ 1,250.00
Abraham Ortelius, Russia, Muscovy and Tartary, 1575£ 4,950.00
Carolus Allard, Tartary & the Silk Roads, 1699£ 2,250.00
Emanuel Bowen, Bering's Expedition to Kamchatka, 1745 c.£ 495.00
Emanuel Bowen, Bering's Expedition to Kamchatka, 1748£ 575.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Siberia & Kamchatka, 1748£ 165.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Kamchatka Peninsula, 1750 c.£ 145.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1750 c.£ 725.00
Jonas Hanway, Parts of Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and Kemerovo Oblasts, 1753£ 195.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, The Russian Empire in Asia, 1755 c.£ 145.00
Andrew Dury, Russia in Asia, 1761£ 88.00
London Magazine, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1764£ 185.00
Guillaume De L'Isle, Tartary & the Silk Roads, 1766£ 1,150.00
London Magazine, Kamchatka, Alaska & the Aleutian Islands, 1771£ 195.00
Robert de Vaugondy, Siberia, or Asiatic Russia, 1772£ 325.00
Robert Sayer, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1775£ 1,325.00
Antonio Zatta, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, and the Bering Strait, 1776£ 1,250.00
John Hamilton Moore, Kamchatka, Alaska & the Aleutian Islands, 1780 c.£ 74.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, James Cook's Voyage to the North Pacific & Bering Strait, 1781£ 2,750.00
Gerhard Friedrich Muller, Russian Discoveries in Siberia, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1784£ 1,200.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, North Pacific, Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1795 c£ 3,450.00
John Meares, The North Pacific Ocean, 1795 c.£ 675.00
Jean Francois de La Perouse, Bay of Terney, Siberia, 1798£ 70.00
William Faden, Miniature Map of Siberia, 1798£ 95.00
Christian Gottlieb Reichard, Chart of the North Pacific Ocean, 1804£ 785.00
William Faden, James Cook's Voyage to Alaska & the Bering Strait, 1808£ 2,850.00
John Thomson, Chart of the North Pacific and Behring Straits, 1816£ 525.00
Vasilii Petrovich Piadischeff, Oryol Oblast, 1822£ 395.00
Vasilii Petrovich Piadischeff, Orenburg Oblast, 1822£ 395.00
Vasilii Petrovich Piadischeff, Tomsk Oblast, 1825£ 325.00
Vasilii Petrovich Piadischeff, Yakutsk & Okhotsk Districts, 1826£ 325.00
Adrien Brue, Asiatic Russia, 1836£ 145.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Western Siberia, Independent Tartary, Khiva, Bokhara &c., 1838£ 120.00
John Arrowsmith, The Caspian Sea with parts of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan, 1841£ 765.00
Joseph Meyer, Asiatic Russia, 1845£ 135.00
Joseph Meyer, Asiatic Russia, 1849£ 45.00
Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Russia in Asia and Tartary, 1850£ 95.00
John Tallis, Russia in Asia, 1851£ 225.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Alaska, Kamchatka & the Bering Strait, 1853£ 575.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Survey of the Aral Sea, 1853£ 98.00
Justus Perthes, Lake Khövsgöl & Irkutsk, 1860£ 78.00
Archibald Fullarton, Kamtchatka, 1860 c.£ 58.00
Archibald Fullarton, The Aral Sea, 1860 c.£ 75.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Manchuria, Sakhalin & Vladivostok, 1867£ 98.00
Justus Perthes, Arctic Russia, Wrangel Island & the Bering Strait, 1869£ 125.00
John Dower, Russia in Asia, 1871£ 55.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sakhalin, 1872£ 245.00
James Wyld, The Caspian Sea and Environs during the Russo-Khivan War, 1873£ 925.00
Justus Perthes, Taimyr Peninsula in the Russian Arctic, 1873£ 245.00
James Wyld, Russia in Asia, 1874£ 77.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Khanate of Khiva, 1875£ 325.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Eastern Siberia, 1879£ 85.00
Arbuckle Brothers Company, Siberia, 1889£ 98.00
Letts & Son, Central Asia & Asiatic Russia, 1892£ 95.00
Justus Perthes, Sakhalin, 1894£ 78.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Siberia, or Asiatic Russia, 1896£ 32.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Mouths of the Obi & Yenisei Rivers, 1898£ 175.00
Scottish Geographical Society (SGS), Kamchatka Peninsula, 1899£ 145.00