Antoine Du Pinet, Early woodcut view of Istanbul (Constantinople), 1564£ 1,450.00
Sebastian Münster, Early woodcut view of Istanbul (Constantinople), 1580 c.£ 1,750.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, Istanbul (Constantinople) and the Bosphorus, 1696£ 325.00
Henri Chatelain, Istanbul (Constantinople), 1719£ 545.00
Johann Baptist Homann, The Bosphorus and panorama of Istanbul (Constantinople), 1720 c.£ 3,250.00
Matthaus Seutter, Istanbul (Constantinople), 1740 c.£ 3,650.00
Universal Magazine, Istanbul (Constantinople), 1770£ 725.00
Antoine-Ignace Melling, Bosphorus and Constantinople, 1819£ 1,450.00
Antoine-Ignace Melling, French plan of Istanbul (Constantinople), 1819£ 2,950.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Istanbul (Constantinople), 1840£ 485.00
Edward Stanford, Relief map of Istanbul (Constantinople) and the Bosphorus, 1894£ 195.00
Wilhelm Leopold Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz, Istanbul (Constantinople) and the Bosphorus, 1897£ 885.00
Mielisch & Jungk, Constantinople and Bosphorus , 1921£ 95.00
Société Anonyme Ottomane d'Etudes et d'Enterprises Urbaines, Istanbul (Constantinople), 1922£ 950.00