• Olfert Dapper, The River Tigris and the environs of Basra, 1681
    The River Tigris and the environs of Basra, 1681
    Olfert Dapper
    Series: Amsterdam
    Olfert Dapper, The River Tigris and the environs of Basra, 1681
    £ 695.00
  • Alain Manesson Mallet, Iraq, 1683
    Iraq, 1683
    Alain Manesson Mallet
    Series: Paris
    Alain Manesson Mallet, Iraq, 1683
    £ 225.00
  • Vincenzo Coronelli, Globe Gore with the Middle East, Caucasus, and Russia, 1696
    Globe Gore with the Middle East, Caucasus, and Russia, 1696
    Vincenzo Coronelli
    Series: Venice
    Vincenzo Coronelli, Globe Gore with the Middle East, Caucasus, and Russia, 1696
    £ 1,750.00
  • Nicolas Sanson, Syria, Iraq, the Levant, and Kurdistan, 1700
    Syria, Iraq, the Levant, and Kurdistan, 1700
    Nicolas Sanson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Nicolas Sanson, Syria, Iraq, the Levant, and Kurdistan, 1700
    £ 395.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Basra & the Mouth of the Euphrates, 1764
    Basra & the Mouth of the Euphrates, 1764
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Basra & the Mouth of the Euphrates, 1764
    £ 395.00
  • J.B.B. D'Anville, Course of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, 1779
    Course of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, 1779
    J.B.B. D'Anville
    Series: Paris
    J.B.B. D'Anville, Course of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, 1779
    £ 595.00
  • Philippe Vandermaelen, Iraq centring on Baghdad, 1827
    Iraq centring on Baghdad, 1827
    Philippe Vandermaelen
    Series: Brussels
    Philippe Vandermaelen, Iraq centring on Baghdad, 1827
    £ 1,150.00
  • Lt. Col. Francis Rawdon Chesney, The Shatt el-Arab from Basrah to the Bar of the River Euphrates and the River Karun, 1849
    The Shatt el-Arab from Basrah to the Bar of the River Euphrates and the River Karun, 1849
    Lt. Col. Francis Rawdon Chesney
    Series: London
    Lt. Col. Francis Rawdon Chesney, The Shatt el-Arab from Basrah to the Bar of the River Euphrates and the River Karun, 1849
    £ 1,275.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Southern Iraq and Iranian border, 1856
    Southern Iraq and Iranian border, 1856
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Southern Iraq and Iranian border, 1856
    £ 145.00
  • Justus Perthes, Ancient Babylon, 1862
    Ancient Babylon, 1862
    Justus Perthes
    Series: Gotha
    Justus Perthes, Ancient Babylon, 1862
    £ 95.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of the Upper Euphrates in Turkey, 1896
    Sketch Map of the Upper Euphrates in Turkey, 1896
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of the Upper Euphrates in Turkey, 1896
    £ 245.00
  • Edward Stanford, The Euphrates Valley, Syria, Kurdistan, &c., 1896
    The Euphrates Valley, Syria, Kurdistan, &c., 1896
    Edward Stanford
    Series: London
    Edward Stanford, The Euphrates Valley, Syria, Kurdistan, &c., 1896
    £ 195.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Early map of the Iraqi Oil Fields, 1897
    Early map of the Iraqi Oil Fields, 1897
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Early map of the Iraqi Oil Fields, 1897
    £ 845.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Iraq, Syria, Armenia and eastern Turkey, 1906
    Iraq, Syria, Armenia and eastern Turkey, 1906
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Iraq, Syria, Armenia and eastern Turkey, 1906
    £ 325.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Kurdistan Region, Iraq, 1910
    Kurdistan Region, Iraq, 1910
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Kurdistan Region, Iraq, 1910
    £ 225.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Lower Mesopotamia, 1912
    Lower Mesopotamia, 1912
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Lower Mesopotamia, 1912
    £ 225.00
  • Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Lower Mesopotamia, 1912
    Lower Mesopotamia, 1912
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS)
    Series: London
    Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Lower Mesopotamia, 1912
    £ 1,250.00
  • War Office, Southern Iraq from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf, 1915
    Southern Iraq from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf, 1915
    War Office
    Series: London
    War Office, Southern Iraq from Baghdad to the Persian Gulf, 1915
    £ 1,250.00
  • Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), Iraq, Iran & Kuwait, 1918
    Iraq, Iran & Kuwait, 1918
    Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS)
    Series: London
    Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), Iraq, Iran & Kuwait, 1918
    £ 2,850.00
  • Anonymous, Ottoman Map of Southern Iraq & Basra, 1920 c.
    Ottoman Map of Southern Iraq & Basra, 1920 c.
  • Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), Baghdad, 1945
    Baghdad, 1945
    Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS)
    Series: London
    Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), Baghdad, 1945
    £ 395.00
  • Victor Coverley-Price, Pictorial Map of the Operations of the Iraq, Basrah & Mosul Petroleum Companies, 1949
    Pictorial Map of the Operations of the Iraq, Basrah & Mosul Petroleum Companies, 1949
    Victor Coverley-Price
    Series: London
    Victor Coverley-Price, Pictorial Map of the Operations of the Iraq, Basrah & Mosul Petroleum Companies, 1949
    £ 2,500.00
  • Iraq State Railways, Railway Map of Iraq, 1950 c
    Railway Map of Iraq, 1950 c
    Iraq State Railways
    Series: Iraq
    Iraq State Railways, Railway Map of Iraq, 1950 c
    £ 295.00
  • Iraq Tourism Administration, Baghdad City, 1960 c
    Baghdad City, 1960 c
    Iraq Tourism Administration
    Iraq Tourism Administration, Baghdad City, 1960 c
    £ 345.00
  • Iraq Tourism Administration, Tourist Map of Iraq, 1961
    Tourist Map of Iraq, 1961
    Iraq Tourism Administration
    Series: Baghdad
    Iraq Tourism Administration, Tourist Map of Iraq, 1961
    £ 300.00