Capt. James Cook, James Cook's Map of New South Wales & Queensland, 1774£ 1,250.00
John Stockdale, Plan of Port Jackson, New South Wales, 1789£ 1,250.00
Capt. James Cook, Botany Bay and mouth of the Endeavour River, 1794£ 185.00
Franz Anton Schraembl, Rare, very early map of Port Jackson and environs, 1795£ 825.00
Louis-Claude de Freycinet, Port Jackson and Sydney Harbour, 1811£ 4,950.00
Philippe Vandermaelen, The colony of New South Wales, 1827£ 985.00
Justus Perthes, New South Wales, 1828£ 395.00
John Thomson, New South Wales and Tasmania, 1828£ 1,250.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), New South Wales and South Eastern Australia, 1832£ 795.00
Justus Perthes, Southeastern Australia, 1834£ 375.00
Rest Fenner, Colony of New South Wales, 1836£ 125.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Northern Tablelands, New South Wales, 1844£ 145.00
John Tallis, New South Wales, 1851£ 385.00
Alexander Keith Johnston, New South Wales and Victoria, 1858 c.£ 495.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Expeditions in Search of Burke and Wills, 1863£ 1,250.00
Justus Perthes, New South Wales, 1867£ 88.00
Thomas Richards, Mineral and Gold deposits, New South Wales, 1876£ 885.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), New South Wales, 1879£ 345.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria, 1890 c.£ 95.00
Letts & Son, Northern New South Wales & Southern Queensland, 1892£ 66.00
Edward Fisher Pittman, Geological Map of New South Wales, 1914£ 1,450.00
Dept. of Lands, Sydney and South eastern New South Wales, 1932£ 425.00
Dept. of Lands, North eastern New South Wales, 1938£ 325.00
Dept. of Lands, North central New South Wales, 1939£ 225.00
Dept. of Lands, South central New South Wales, 1940£ 295.00