• Vincenzo Coronelli, Louisiana Parte Setteno Descritta, 1690 c.
    Louisiana Parte Setteno Descritta, 1690 c.
    Vincenzo Coronelli
    Series: Venice
    Vincenzo Coronelli, Louisiana Parte Setteno Descritta, 1690 c.
    £ 1,150.00
  • Homann Heirs, Important German rendition of Bellin's seminal map of the Great Lakes, 1755
    Important German rendition of Bellin's seminal map of the Great Lakes, 1755
    Homann Heirs
    Series: Nuremberg
    Homann Heirs, Important German rendition of Bellin's seminal map of the Great Lakes, 1755
    £ 3,650.00
  • Andrea Scacciati, Carta rappresentante i cinque Laghi del Canada, 1763
    Carta rappresentante i cinque Laghi del Canada, 1763
    Andrea Scacciati
    Series: Florence
    Andrea Scacciati, Carta rappresentante i cinque Laghi del Canada, 1763
    £ 675.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, The First Obtainable Map of Detroit, 1764
    The First Obtainable Map of Detroit, 1764
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, The First Obtainable Map of Detroit, 1764
    £ 3,500.00
  • Rigobert Bonne, Great Lakes, 1780 c
    Great Lakes, 1780 c
    Rigobert Bonne
    Series: Paris
    Rigobert Bonne, Great Lakes, 1780 c
    £ 495.00
  • Morris Birkbeck, Early map of Ohio, Indiana and the Territory of Illinois, 1818
    Early map of Ohio, Indiana and the Territory of Illinois, 1818
    Morris Birkbeck
    Morris Birkbeck, Early map of Ohio, Indiana and the Territory of Illinois, 1818
    £ 1,250.00
  • Carey & Lea, Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of Michigan Territory, 1822
    Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of Michigan Territory, 1822
    Carey & Lea
    Series: Philadelphia
    Carey & Lea, Geographical, Statistical and Historical Map of Michigan Territory, 1822
    £ 1,850.00
  • Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America Sheet IV - Lake Superior, 1832
    North America Sheet IV - Lake Superior, 1832
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)
    Series: London
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America Sheet IV - Lake Superior, 1832
    £ 85.00
  • Joseph Meyer, Michigan, 1845
    Michigan, 1845
    Joseph Meyer
    Series: Hildburghausen
    Joseph Meyer, Michigan, 1845
    £ 345.00
  • General Land Office, Sketch of the Public Surveys of Michigan, 1845
    Sketch of the Public Surveys of Michigan, 1845
    General Land Office
    General Land Office, Sketch of the Public Surveys of Michigan, 1845
    £ 155.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, A New Map of Michigan, 1846
    A New Map of Michigan, 1846
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, A New Map of Michigan, 1846
    £ 485.00
  • General Land Office, Sketch of the Public Surveys of Michigan, 1850
    Sketch of the Public Surveys of Michigan, 1850
    General Land Office
    Series: Detroit
    General Land Office, Sketch of the Public Surveys of Michigan, 1850
    £ 155.00
  • Joseph Hutchins Colton, Lake Superior and the Northern Part of Michigan, 1855
    Lake Superior and the Northern Part of Michigan, 1855
    Joseph Hutchins Colton
    Series: New York
    Joseph Hutchins Colton, Lake Superior and the Northern Part of Michigan, 1855
    £ 185.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County Map of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1860
    County Map of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1860
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County Map of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1860
    £ 115.00
  • Joseph Hutchins Colton, Michigan, 1861
    Michigan, 1861
    Joseph Hutchins Colton
    Series: New York
    Joseph Hutchins Colton, Michigan, 1861
    £ 295.00
  • Johnson & Ward, Johnson's Wisconsin and Michigan, 1864
    Johnson's Wisconsin and Michigan, 1864
    Johnson & Ward
    Series: New York
    Johnson & Ward, Johnson's Wisconsin and Michigan, 1864
    £ 325.00
  • Archibald Fullarton, United States - The North Central Section, 1870 c.
    United States - The North Central Section, 1870 c.
    Archibald Fullarton
    Series: Glasgow
    Archibald Fullarton, United States - The North Central Section, 1870 c.
    £ 75.00
  • Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America: Parts of Wisconsin and Michigan, 1879
    North America: Parts of Wisconsin and Michigan, 1879
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)
    Series: London
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America: Parts of Wisconsin and Michigan, 1879
    £ 245.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County and Township Map of the States of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1882
    County and Township Map of the States of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1882
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, County and Township Map of the States of Michigan and Wisconsin, 1882
    £ 140.00
  • General Land Office, State of Michigan, 1888
    State of Michigan, 1888
    General Land Office
    Series: New York
    General Land Office, State of Michigan, 1888
    £ 985.00
  • Arbuckle Brothers Company, Michigan, 1889
    Michigan, 1889
    Arbuckle Brothers Company
    Series: New York
    Arbuckle Brothers Company, Michigan, 1889
    £ 145.00
  • Perry Mason & Co., Michigan, 1891
    Michigan, 1891
    Perry Mason & Co.
    Series: Boston
    Perry Mason & Co., Michigan, 1891
    £ 165.00
  • Letts & Son, Michigan, Wisconsin and Lake Michigan, 1892
    Michigan, Wisconsin and Lake Michigan, 1892
    Letts & Son
    Series: London
    Letts & Son, Michigan, Wisconsin and Lake Michigan, 1892
    £ 95.00
  • Karl Baedeker, Detroit, 1909
    Detroit, 1909
    Karl Baedeker
    Series: Leipzig
    Karl Baedeker, Detroit, 1909
    £ 75.00
  • Karl Baedeker, Sault Ste. Marie, 1909
    Sault Ste. Marie, 1909
    Karl Baedeker
    Series: Leipzig
    Karl Baedeker, Sault Ste. Marie, 1909
    £ 48.00
  • Federal Lithograph Company, Federal Map of Detroit and environs, 1927
    Federal Map of Detroit and environs, 1927
    Federal Lithograph Company
    Series: Detroit
    Federal Lithograph Company, Federal Map of Detroit and environs, 1927
    £ 485.00