• Theodore De Bry, First printed map to focus on Florida, 1591
    First printed map to focus on Florida, 1591
    Theodore De Bry
    Series: Frankfurt
  • Abraham Ortelius, La Florida, 1598
    La Florida, 1598
    Abraham Ortelius
    Series: Antwerp
    Abraham Ortelius, La Florida, 1598
    £ 2,950.00
  • Jodocus Hondius, Southeast coast of the United States, 1619
    Southeast coast of the United States, 1619
    Jodocus Hondius
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jodocus Hondius, Southeast coast of the United States, 1619
    £ 2,250.00
  • Mercator Hondius, North and South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia, 1621
    North and South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia, 1621
    Mercator Hondius
    Series: London
    Mercator Hondius, North and South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia, 1621
    £ 925.00
  • Willem & Jan Blaeu, Southern Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1650 c.
    Southern Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1650 c.
    Willem & Jan Blaeu
    Series: Amsterdam
    Willem & Jan Blaeu, Southern Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1650 c.
    £ 1,950.00
  • Jan Jansson, South-eastern coast of USA , 1666
    South-eastern coast of USA , 1666
    Jan Jansson
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jan Jansson, South-eastern coast of USA , 1666
    £ 1,950.00
  • John Ogilby, Georgia & the Carolinas, 1670 c.
    Georgia & the Carolinas, 1670 c.
    John Ogilby
    Series: London
    John Ogilby, Georgia & the Carolinas, 1670 c.
    £ 1,750.00
  • John Speed, North and South Carolina, 1676
    North and South Carolina, 1676
    John Speed
    Series: London
    John Speed, North and South Carolina, 1676
    £ 3,950.00
  • Jansson Heirs, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1676 c.
    North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1676 c.
    Jansson Heirs
    Series: Amsterdam
    Jansson Heirs, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1676 c.
    £ 685.00
  • Alain Manesson Mallet, Floride, 1683
    Floride, 1683
    Alain Manesson Mallet
    Series: Paris
    Alain Manesson Mallet, Floride, 1683
    £ 695.00
  • Robert Morden, North and South Carolina, 1688
    North and South Carolina, 1688
    Robert Morden
    Series: London
    Robert Morden, North and South Carolina, 1688
    £ 875.00
  • Johann Ulrich Muller, Florida, 1692
    Florida, 1692
    Johann Ulrich Muller
    Series: Ulm
    Johann Ulrich Muller, Florida, 1692
    £ 595.00
  • Pierre Duval, Florida, 1694
    Florida, 1694
    Pierre Duval
    Series: Paris
    Pierre Duval, Florida, 1694
    £ 775.00
  • Pierre Duval, Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, 1694
    Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, 1694
    Pierre Duval
    Series: Paris
    Pierre Duval, Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, 1694
    £ 825.00
  • Pierre Mortier, Uncommon map of North and South Carolina, 1700
    Uncommon map of North and South Carolina, 1700
    Pierre Mortier
    Series: Amsterdam
    Pierre Mortier, Uncommon map of North and South Carolina, 1700
    £ 3,200.00
  • Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Spanish Florida, 1700
    Spanish Florida, 1700
    Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson
    Series: Paris
    Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, Spanish Florida, 1700
    £ 1,500.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, Mississippi River, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1705
    Mississippi River, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1705
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: Paris
    Nicolas de Fer, Mississippi River, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1705
    £ 2,650.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, Eastern Coast of North America, 1705
    Eastern Coast of North America, 1705
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: France
    Nicolas de Fer, Eastern Coast of North America, 1705
    £ 1,950.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, Mexico, Central America and the Southern United States, 1705
    Mexico, Central America and the Southern United States, 1705
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: France
    Nicolas de Fer, Mexico, Central America and the Southern United States, 1705
    £ 985.00
  • Pieter van der Aa, Southern USA from Virginia to Florida, 1707
    Southern USA from Virginia to Florida, 1707
    Pieter van der Aa
    Series: Leiden
    Pieter van der Aa, Southern USA from Virginia to Florida, 1707
    £ 895.00
  • Pieter van der Aa, Southern USA, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1713
    Southern USA, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1713
    Pieter van der Aa
    Series: Leiden
    Pieter van der Aa, Southern USA, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1713
    £ 1,650.00
  • Pieter van der Aa, Florida and Mississippi, 1714
    Florida and Mississippi, 1714
    Pieter van der Aa
    Series: Leiden
    Pieter van der Aa, Florida and Mississippi, 1714
    £ 1,450.00
  • Pieter van der Aa, Virginia, North and South Carolina and northern Florida, 1714
    Virginia, North and South Carolina and northern Florida, 1714
    Pieter van der Aa
    Series: Leiden
    Pieter van der Aa, Virginia, North and South Carolina and northern Florida, 1714
    £ 1,950.00
  • Nicolas de Fer, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico, 1718
    Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico, 1718
    Nicolas de Fer
    Series: Paris
  • Herman Moll, Carolina, 1720 c.
    Carolina, 1720 c.
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, Carolina, 1720 c.
    £ 795.00
  • Herman Moll, Florida and Louisiana, 1720 c.
    Florida and Louisiana, 1720 c.
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, Florida and Louisiana, 1720 c.
    £ 1,145.00
  • Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Louisiana and the Mississippi River, 1730 (c.)
    Louisiana and the Mississippi River, 1730 (c.)
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius)
    Series: Amsterdam
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Louisiana and the Mississippi River, 1730 (c.)
    £ 3,450.00
  • Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Louisiana, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1735 c.
    Louisiana, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1735 c.
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius)
    Series: Amsterdam
    Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Louisiana, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 1735 c.
    £ 1,200.00
  • Herman Moll, Southern America, Mexico and Central America, 1745
    Southern America, Mexico and Central America, 1745
    Herman Moll
    Series: London
    Herman Moll, Southern America, Mexico and Central America, 1745
    £ 395.00
  • Robert de Vaugondy, French Louisiana and the course of the Mississippi River, 1749
    French Louisiana and the course of the Mississippi River, 1749
    Robert de Vaugondy
    Series: Paris
    Robert de Vaugondy, French Louisiana and the course of the Mississippi River, 1749
    £ 295.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Early map of Louisiana and the Mississippi Valley, 1750
    Early map of Louisiana and the Mississippi Valley, 1750
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Early map of Louisiana and the Mississippi Valley, 1750
    £ 445.00
  • Johann Michael Seligmann, Southeastern US, Cuba and the Bahamas, 1755
    Southeastern US, Cuba and the Bahamas, 1755
    Johann Michael Seligmann
    Series: Nuremberg
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Georgia and North and South Carolina, 1757
    Georgia and North and South Carolina, 1757
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Georgia and North and South Carolina, 1757
    £ 675.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Coastal chart from Cape Fear to St. Augustine, 1760 c.
    Coastal chart from Cape Fear to St. Augustine, 1760 c.
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Coastal chart from Cape Fear to St. Augustine, 1760 c.
    £ 345.00
  • Veremondo Rossi, Caribbean, Central American and Southern United States, 1763
    Caribbean, Central American and Southern United States, 1763
    Veremondo Rossi
    Veremondo Rossi, Caribbean, Central American and Southern United States, 1763
    £ 545.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Florida and Louisiana coast, 1764
    Florida and Louisiana coast, 1764
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Florida and Louisiana coast, 1764
    £ 4,950.00
  • Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, French Louisiana, 1764
    French Louisiana, 1764
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin
    Series: Paris
    Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, French Louisiana, 1764
    £ 395.00
  • London Magazine, A New Map of North & South Carolina, & Georgia, 1765
    A New Map of North & South Carolina, & Georgia, 1765
    London Magazine
    Series: London
    London Magazine, A New Map of North & South Carolina, & Georgia, 1765
    £ 595.00
  • London Magazine, Louisiana, as formerly claimed by France, 1765
    Louisiana, as formerly claimed by France, 1765
    London Magazine
    Series: London
    London Magazine, Louisiana, as formerly claimed by France, 1765
    £ 375.00
  • Francois Santini, Louisiana, Florida and the Carolinas, 1776
    Louisiana, Florida and the Carolinas, 1776
    Francois Santini
    Series: Venice
    Francois Santini, Louisiana, Florida and the Carolinas, 1776
    £ 985.00
  • Antoine de Sartine, Chart of the coast from New Jersey to Georgia, 1778
    Chart of the coast from New Jersey to Georgia, 1778
    Antoine de Sartine
    Series: Paris
    Antoine de Sartine, Chart of the coast from New Jersey to Georgia, 1778
    £ 3,950.00
  • Antonio Zatta, Southern United States just after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 1778
    Southern United States just after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 1778
    Antonio Zatta
    Series: Venice
    Antonio Zatta, Southern United States just after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, 1778
    £ 545.00
  • Thomas Jefferys, The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana, 1778 c.
    The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana, 1778 c.
    Thomas Jefferys
    Series: London
  • Rigobert Bonne, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1780 c.
    North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1780 c.
    Rigobert Bonne
    Series: Paris
    Rigobert Bonne, North and South Carolina and Georgia, 1780 c.
    £ 395.00
  • Antonio Zatta, Southern US, Mexico and Central America, 1785
    Southern US, Mexico and Central America, 1785
    Antonio Zatta
    Series: Venice
    Antonio Zatta, Southern US, Mexico and Central America, 1785
    £ 795.00
  • Rigobert Bonne, South eastern United States , 1785 c
    South eastern United States , 1785 c
    Rigobert Bonne
    Series: France
    Rigobert Bonne, South eastern United States , 1785 c
    £ 275.00
  • Joseph Purcell, A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, 1788
    A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, 1788
    Joseph Purcell
    Series: London
    Joseph Purcell, A Map of the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, 1788
    £ 1,925.00
  • Laurie & Whittle, A New and General Map of the Southern Dominions Belonging to The United States of America, 1794
    A New and General Map of the Southern Dominions Belonging to The United States of America, 1794
    Laurie & Whittle
    Series: London
    Laurie & Whittle, A New and General Map of the Southern Dominions Belonging to The United States of America, 1794
    £ 3,500.00
  • Abraham Bradley, Map of the Southern United States of America, 1797
    Map of the Southern United States of America, 1797
    Abraham Bradley
    Abraham Bradley, Map of the Southern United States of America, 1797
    £ 850.00
  • John Russell, Map of the Southern Part of the United States of America, 1798
    Map of the Southern Part of the United States of America, 1798
    John Russell
    Series: London
    John Russell, Map of the Southern Part of the United States of America, 1798
    £ 745.00
  • William Heather, Chart of the East coast from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to Fort Lauderdale, 1799
    Chart of the East coast from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to Fort Lauderdale, 1799
    William Heather
    Series: London
    William Heather, Chart of the East coast from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to Fort Lauderdale, 1799
    £ 4,250.00
  • Tardieu, North and South Carolina and Virginia, 1800
    North and South Carolina and Virginia, 1800
    Series: Paris
    Tardieu, North and South Carolina and Virginia, 1800
    £ 825.00
  • John Pinkerton, South-eastern United States, 1809
    South-eastern United States, 1809
    John Pinkerton
    Series: London
    John Pinkerton, South-eastern United States, 1809
    £ 1,350.00
  • John Thomson, Eastern United States, 1817
    Eastern United States, 1817
    John Thomson
    Series: London
    John Thomson, Eastern United States, 1817
    £ 1,250.00
  • John Cary, South-eastern United States, 1825
    South-eastern United States, 1825
    John Cary
    Series: London
    John Cary, South-eastern United States, 1825
    £ 1,675.00
  • Philippe Vandermaelen, Mississippi and Alabama, 1827
    Mississippi and Alabama, 1827
    Philippe Vandermaelen
    Series: Brussels
    Philippe Vandermaelen, Mississippi and Alabama, 1827
    £ 650.00
  • Philippe Vandermaelen, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, 1827
    Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, 1827
    Philippe Vandermaelen
    Series: Brussels
    Philippe Vandermaelen, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia, 1827
    £ 550.00
  • Philippe Vandermaelen, North and South Caroline and Georgia, 1827
    North and South Caroline and Georgia, 1827
    Philippe Vandermaelen
    Series: Brussels
    Philippe Vandermaelen, North and South Caroline and Georgia, 1827
    £ 725.00
  • Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America Sheet X, 1833
    North America Sheet X, 1833
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)
    Series: London
    Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North America Sheet X, 1833
    £ 76.00
  • Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Southeastern United States, 1839
    Southeastern United States, 1839
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell
    Series: Philadelphia
    Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Southeastern United States, 1839
    £ 145.00
  • Harper's Magazine, Confederate United States, 1863
    Confederate United States, 1863
    Harper's Magazine
    Series: New York
    Harper's Magazine, Confederate United States, 1863
    £ 575.00
  • Charles Magnus, Civil War Panorama of the Mississippi River, 1863 (c.)
    Civil War Panorama of the Mississippi River, 1863 (c.)
    Charles Magnus
    Series: New York
    Charles Magnus, Civil War Panorama of the Mississippi River, 1863 (c.)
    £ 950.00
  • French Admiralty, Sea Chart of the East Coast, 1864
    Sea Chart of the East Coast, 1864
    French Admiralty
    Series: Paris
    French Admiralty, Sea Chart of the East Coast, 1864
    £ 985.00
  • Phelps & Watson, Historical and Military Map of the Border and Southern States, 1864
    Historical and Military Map of the Border and Southern States, 1864
    Phelps & Watson
    Series: New York
    Phelps & Watson, Historical and Military Map of the Border and Southern States, 1864
    £ 1,550.00
  • Charles Magnus, Magnus' Historical War Map - One Hundred & Fifty Miles Around Richmond, 1864
    Magnus' Historical War Map - One Hundred & Fifty Miles Around Richmond, 1864
    Charles Magnus
    Series: New York
    Charles Magnus, Magnus' Historical War Map - One Hundred & Fifty Miles Around Richmond, 1864
    £ 1,250.00
  • Archibald Fullarton, Southeast United States, 1870 c.
    Southeast United States, 1870 c.
    Archibald Fullarton
    Series: Glasgow
    Archibald Fullarton, Southeast United States, 1870 c.
    £ 78.00
  • Depot de la Marine, Chart of the coast from New Jersey to Florida, 1887
    Chart of the coast from New Jersey to Florida, 1887
    Depot de la Marine
    Series: Paris
    Depot de la Marine, Chart of the coast from New Jersey to Florida, 1887
    £ 695.00
  • British Admiralty, Gulf of Mexico, 1891
    Gulf of Mexico, 1891
    British Admiralty
    Series: Washington, D.C.
    British Admiralty, Gulf of Mexico, 1891
    £ 1,550.00
  • British Admiralty, Cape Fear to Sapelo Sound, 1898
    Cape Fear to Sapelo Sound, 1898
    British Admiralty
    Series: London
    British Admiralty, Cape Fear to Sapelo Sound, 1898
    £ 2,500.00
  • W. & A.K. Johnston, United States (S.E.), 1908
    United States (S.E.), 1908
    W. & A.K. Johnston
    Series: Edinburgh & London
    W. & A.K. Johnston, United States (S.E.), 1908
    £ 125.00
  • British Admiralty, North America East Coast - Delaware Bay to Florida Strait, 1942
    North America East Coast - Delaware Bay to Florida Strait, 1942
    British Admiralty
    Series: London
    British Admiralty, North America East Coast - Delaware Bay to Florida Strait, 1942
    £ 950.00