John Pinkerton, China, 1809£ 495.00
C.V. Lavoisne, Geographical and Historical Map of China, 1813£ 525.00
Bartolomeo Borghi, China, Japan, Tibet, and Mongolia, 1818£ 285.00
Daniel & William Lizars, China, 1820 c.£ 345.00
John Arrowsmith, China, 1832£ 695.00
Carl Weiland, China and Japan, 1832£ 345.00
Anonymous, City and Suburbs of Canton, 1835£ 48.00
Alexandre Emile Lapie, Mongolia, Tibet and China, 1838£ 185.00
Thomas Kelly, China, 1840 c.£ 92.00
Henry Teesdale, China and Japan, 1841£ 395.00
Samuel Augustus Mitchell, China, 1849£ 295.00
Joseph Meyer, German map of China, 1849£ 115.00
James Wyld, Map of China, 1850 c.£ 1,350.00
Gall & Inglis, Map of China and Japan, 1850 c.£ 165.00
John Tallis, China and Myanmar, 1851£ 395.00
John Tallis, Tibet, Mongolia and Manchuria, 1851£ 295.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Island of Chusan from Official Surveys, 1853£ 85.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of the Amur and Adjacent Districts, 1858£ 225.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, Map of the Chinese Rebellion, 1860£ 1,200.00
Justus Perthes, Environs of Beijing / Province of Pe-Tschili, 1860£ 82.00
James Wyld, Allied Forces in Western China and Beijing, 1860 (c.)£ 2,950.00
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK), China, 1860 c.£ 195.00
John Rapkin, China and Myanmar, 1860 c.£ 175.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), China - The Yang-Tsze Kiang, 1862£ 375.00
Edward Weller, Coast of China, 1863£ 125.00
James Imray, East Indian Archipelago. (Western Route to China. Chart No. 5), 1863£ 4,950.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch map of Northern China, 1863£ 165.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Beijing (Peking), 1866£ 675.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map to Accompany the Notes on Manchuria, 1870£ 175.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map Showing the Mineral & Silk Districts of the Province of Shan-Tung (China), 1870£ 265.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map to accompany Mr Ney Elias' paper on the New Course of the Yellow River, 1871£ 165.00
James Wyld, Map of the Empire of China and Japan, 1874£ 175.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Route Map of Journey Through North China and Inner Mongolia, 1874£ 110.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), China, 1875£ 275.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Route Map of Capt. W. J. Gill's Journey in Western China & Eastern Tibet, 1878£ 255.00
Justus Perthes, The Province of Canton, 1878£ 450.00
A. & C. Black, China, 1880 c.£ 225.00
John Dower, China and Japan, 1880 c.£ 165.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of Southern China, 1882£ 165.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of South Western China, 1886£ 345.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of Manchuria, 1887£ 275.00
Arbuckle Brothers Company, [Chinese Empire], 1889£ 145.00
G. & J. Bartholomew, Port Arthur - Shanghai, 1890 c.£ 125.00
F.A. Brockhaus, Macao, Canton (Guangzhou) and the Pearl River, 1893£ 62.00
Edward Stanford, China, 1896£ 95.00
Edward Stanford, China, 1898£ 165.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of Central China showing the basin of the Yang-tse-chiang., 1898£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of China and Adjoining Regions, 1898£ 985.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Central and Southern Manchuria, 1899£ 395.00
Edward Stanford, China, 1899£ 795.00
War Office, Early 20th century plan of Beijing (Peking), 1900 c.£ 4,500.00
Edward Stanford, Map of China prepared for The China Inland Mission, 1903£ 3,500.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), South Western China, 1903£ 195.00
British Admiralty, Hong Kong to Gulf of Liau-Tung, 1904£ 595.00
Edward Stanford, Map of the Seat of War in the Far East 1904, 1904£ 1,450.00
The Graphic Magazine, The Seat of War: Bird's-Eye View of the Theatre of Operations, 1904£ 325.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Central Asia - Leh to Peking, 1907£ 445.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), China - Routes and Rivers in An-Hui, 1907£ 225.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of Ordos to illustrate a paper by W. R. Carles. C. M. G., 1909£ 185.00
Edward Stanford, A Map of China prepared for the China Inland Mission, 1911£ 1,450.00
Joseph Meyer, Macao, 1912£ 125.00
British Admiralty, Kue Shan Is. to the Yang Tse Kiang including the Chusan Archipelago, 1922£ 1,450.00
British Admiralty, Amoy to Nagasaki, 1923£ 1,350.00
British Admiralty, Kiaochow Bay, 1923£ 985.00
British Admiralty, The Brothers to Ockseu Is., 1923£ 1,950.00
Japanese Railways, Guangzhou (Canton), 1924£ 78.00
Carl Crow, City plan of Beijing (Peking), 1925£ 245.00
Edward Stanford, A Map of China and Japan, 1929£ 975.00
British Admiralty, The Brothers to Ockseu Is., 1930£ 1,750.00
John Kirk Sewall, Pictorial map of Beijing, 1930 c.£ 3,500.00
British Admiralty, Kiaochow Bay, 1932£ 1,850.00
British Admiralty, Ockseu Is. to Tung Yung, 1932£ 885.00
British Admiralty, Southern Approach to the Yangtze Kiang, 1932£ 1,450.00
British Admiralty, Tien Pak to Macao, 1932£ 1,550.00
British Admiralty, Tung Yung to Wen Chau Bay, 1932£ 885.00
Edward Stanford, Folding wall map of South East Asia, 1941£ 1,450.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., WW2 Map of the Far East, 1944£ 495.00
Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), Hong Kong, the New Territories and Southern China, 1949£ 950.00
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