Rigobert Bonne, Carte de Cotes de Barbarie, 1771 c.£ 225.00
Carsten Niebuhr, Plan de la Partie Septentrionale du Golfe Arabique et de la Ville de Suez, 1779£ 175.00
Carsten Niebuhr, Tabula Itineraria a Sues, 1779£ 225.00
Robert Sayer, Aegyptus Antiqua, 1780 c.£ 195.00
Rigobert Bonne, Partie Occidentale de L'Ancien Continent, 1780 c.£ 90.00
Jean Lattre, Nubie et Abissinie, 1782£ 75.00
Willem Albert Bachiene, Nieuwe en Nauuwkeurige Kaart van het Westlyk Gedeelte van Barbarye, 1783£ 485.00
John Harrison, Egypt, Called in the Language of the Country Missir, 1788£ 145.00
Laurie & Whittle, Egypt: Called in the Country Missir, 1794£ 275.00
William Faden, Barbary, 1798£ 92.00
John Brydon, Plan of the ever Memorable engagement of Abukir at the Mouth of the Nile, 1798£ 4,950.00
William Faden, Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine, 1802£ 675.00
George & John Cary, A New Map of Egypt, 1805£ 365.00
John Pinkerton, Northern Africa, 1811£ 325.00
John Pinkerton, Western Africa, 1813£ 475.00
John Thomson, North Africa, 1814£ 315.00
Christian Gottlieb Reichard, Das Mittellandische Meer, 1818£ 75.00
Thomas Myers, Egypt, 1821£ 78.00
French Admiralty, Plan du Port - Tripoli de Barbarie, 1823£ 285.00
British Admiralty, Plan of the City, Harbours, & Environs of Alexandria, 1825£ 500.00
Map of the Travels and Discoveries made in Northern and Central Africa, 1826Maj. Dixon DenhamLondonMaj. Dixon Denham, Map of the Travels and Discoveries made in Northern and Central Africa, 1826£ 395.00
Charles Smith, Map of North Africa Intended to Illustrate the Progress of Discovery in that Country, 1828£ 495.00
Alexandre Emile Lapie, Carte de l'Egypte de la Nubie, de l'Abissinie, du Kourdofan, et d'une Partie de l'Arabie, 1829£ 140.00
Thomas Starling, Egypt, 1830 c.£ 64.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Ancient Egypt, 1831£ 120.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Egypt, 1831£ 80.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Marocco, 1831£ 395.00
British Admiralty, Chart of the North Coast of Africa from Ras al Halal to Alexandria, 1833£ 180.00
North-Africa or Barbary II - Algier, 1834Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)LondonSociety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North-Africa or Barbary II - Algier, 1834£ 86.00
British Admiralty, Plan of the Harbour of Tripoli, 1835£ 300.00
Daniel & William Lizars, Egypt, 1835 c.£ 245.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Part of the West Coast of Africa: Surveyed in 1835, 1836£ 65.00
Rest Fenner, Egypt, 1836£ 75.00
Route of Sir Grenville Temple from Bonah to Kostantinah, 1838Royal Geographical Society (RGS)LondonRoyal Geographical Society (RGS), Route of Sir Grenville Temple from Bonah to Kostantinah, 1838£ 58.00
James Wellsted, Mount Sinai Peninsula, 1838£ 395.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), The Nile from Essuan to Al-Leis to Illustrate a Journey to Kordofan, 1839£ 85.00
Victor Levasseur, Egypte, Nubie, Abyssinie, 1840 c.£ 35.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), West Coast of Africa, 1840 c.£ 125.00
John Arrowsmith, Egypt, 1842£ 185.00
James Wyld, Lower Egypt and the Adjacent Deserts, with a Part of Palestine, 1842£ 285.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Wady Natrun or Valley of the Natron Lakes, 1843£ 145.00
Joseph Meyer, Neueste Karte von Aegypten, 1844£ 115.00
Joseph Meyer, Neuste Karte von Tunis, 1844£ 175.00
Joseph Meyer, Nordwestliches Africa oder das Sultanat Marocco, 1844£ 195.00
Henry Teesdale, Egypt, 1845£ 145.00
Samuel Augustus Mitchell, Egypt, 1847 c.£ 285.00
John Tallis, Northern Africa, 1851£ 275.00
Charles V. Monin, Afrique Orientale, 1853£ 44.00
Sir Archibald Alison, Battle of The Nile, 1855£ 525.00
Justus Perthes, Das Rothe Meer, 1860£ 78.00
Victor Levasseur, Algérie (Northern Algeria), 1860 c.£ 195.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Dr. Barth's Route from Tin-Tellust to Agadez, 1860 c.£ 185.00
Archibald Fullarton, Lower Egypt, 1860 c.£ 40.00
Justus Perthes, Sahara, 1861£ 62.00
Justus Perthes, Sudan & Egypt, 1862£ 115.00
Edward Weller, Egypt, Nubia, Abyssinia and the Red Sea, 1863£ 125.00
Justus Perthes, Karte der Central-Sahara, 1863£ 65.00
Justus Perthes, Karte zur Ubersicht der Reisen von C. Rohlfs in Marokko, 1861-64, 1865£ 68.00
Justus Perthes, Aegypten und die Laender, 1869£ 40.00
Alexandre Vuillemin, Carte Physique et Politique de l'Algerie, 1871£ 295.00
Justus Perthes, Die Franzosischen Militar-Expeditionen in Marokko, 1872£ 68.00
Carl Muller, Africa Septentrionalis, 1873£ 50.00
North Africa or Barbary I - Marocco, 1875Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)LondonSociety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North Africa or Barbary I - Marocco, 1875£ 185.00
Originalkarte der von C. Rohlfs Gefuhrten Expedition in die Libysche Wuste, 1875Justus PerthesGothaJustus Perthes, Originalkarte der von C. Rohlfs Gefuhrten Expedition in die Libysche Wuste, 1875£ 185.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), North Africa or Barbary - Tunis and Part of Tripoli, 1879£ 98.00
A. Simon, Alexandrie, 1882£ 325.00
Service géographique de l'armée, Le Caire, 1883£ 2,450.00
Guido Cora, Piano Topografico della citta di Marocco e dei suoi Dintorni, 1884£ 325.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Sketch Map of Egypt, Nubia and Egyptian Sudan, 1884£ 145.00
Edward Stanford, A Map of the Nile during the Siege of Khartoum, 1884£ 345.00
A. Simon, Port-Said, 1885£ 175.00
A. Simon, Algier. (1886), 1886£ 175.00
A. Simon, Mostaganem. (1886), 1886£ 62.00
Justus Perthes, Originalkarte Einer Route von den Pyramiden von Gizeh in das Fayum, 1887£ 68.00
A. Simon, Tunis et ses Abords, 1888£ 175.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of Nortwest Morocco shewing local distribution of Tribes, 1889£ 95.00
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), Map of South Western Morocco, 1889£ 45.00
Gaston Chaumelin, Plan General du Canal, 1889£ 1,850.00
Arbuckle Brothers Company, Morocco, 1889£ 98.00
Arbuckle Brothers Company, Egypt, 1889£ 98.00
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