Elliot Bros., Victorian Waywiser, 1850 c.£ 4,500.00
J. Berg, Tellurian, 1870 c.£ 5,250.00
Heinrich C. Kiepert, C. Adam's Erdglobus, 1880 c.£ 3,600.00
Anonymous, Globe Perfume Bottle, 1880 c.£ 275.00
Horne & Thornthwaite, Horne & Thornthwaite Brass Telescope, 1885 c.£ 2,500.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philips' Graphic Globe, 1890 (c.)£ 1,250.00
Anonymous, Japanese Binoculars, 1900£ 4,500.00
Troughton & Simms, Surveyor's Theodolite, 1900 c.£ 4,000.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, W. & A. K. Johnston's 6 Inch Globe, 1902 c.£ 500.00
Ernst Schotte & Co, Schottes Schul- & Familien-Globus, 1905 c.£ 3,500.00
Charles Delagrave, French 6-inch terrestrial globe, 1908 c.£ 750.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philips' Planisphere showing the Principal Stars Visible for every Hour in the Year, 1920 c.£ 850.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philip's 12 Inch Library Globe, 1924 c.£ 4,950.00
Volksverbandes der Bücherfreunde, 12 Inch German Terrestrial Globe, 1930 c.£ 1,650.00
Geographia Ltd., 10 inch Terrestrial Globe, 1935 c.£ 2,750.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philips' British Empire Globe, 1936 (c.)£ 950.00
Rand, McNally & Co., Rand, McNally 12 Inch Celestial Globe, Edited by Dr. Oliver J. Lee, 1940 c.£ 1,500.00
Rand, McNally & Co., Rand, McNally Nine Inch Celestial Globe, Edited by Dr. Oliver J. Lee, 1940 c.£ 1,800.00
Rand, McNally & Co., Rand McNally Indexed Terrestrial Art Globe, 1942£ 350.00
Paul Räth, German Celestial Globe, 1945 c.£ 3,950.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philip’s 12-inch Terrestrial Globe , 1946 c.£ 1,950.00
Geographia Ltd., 10-Inch Terrestrial Globe, 1947 (c.)£ 750.00
Geographia Ltd., 8-Inch Terrestrial Globe, 1947 (c.)£ 650.00
Replogle Globes, Inc, Replogle 6-inch Illuminating Globe, 1948 c.£ 695.00
Anonymous, 1950's Chalkboard Globe, 1950 c.£ 2,950.00
C.S. Hammond & Co., Celestial Globe, 1950 c.£ 1,200.00
Jules Forest, Globe Terrestre, 1950 c.£ 750.00
Michael Seidel, Sputnik (M6 2000), 1950 c.£ 395.00
Girard, Barrère et Thomas, Globe Terrestre, 1951 c.£ 550.00
Replogle Globes, Inc, "Blast Off!" Space Game, 1953£ 950.00
Jules Forest, Terrestrial Globe containing the latest discoveries, 1953 c.£ 550.00
Girard, Barrère et Thomas, Globe Terrestre, 1954 c.£ 450.00
Weber Costello, 12" Peerless Globe with Airplane Base, 1955 c.£ 1,750.00
Geographia Ltd., "The Paramount", 1959 c.£ 600.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., 10" Challenge Globe, 1960 c.£ 450.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philip's 10" Challenge Globe, 1962£ 575.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Philips' Terrestrial Globe, 1965£ 4,500.00
Denoyer-Geppert Inc., Visual Relief Lunar Globe, 1969£ 3,500.00
Denoyer-Geppert Inc., Moon Globe, 1969£ 3,500.00
Educational Frontier, Rare Lunar Relief Globe, 1969£ 2,500.00
Replogle Globes, Inc, Replogle Lunar Globe, 1969 c.£ 700.00
Rand, McNally & Co., Moon Globe, 1969 c.£ 600.00
Replogle Globes, Inc, Encylopedia Britanica, 1970£ 395.00
Paul Räth, Politiska Jordglob, 1970 c.£ 1,200.00
Replogle Globes, Inc, Sky & Telescope Mars Globe, 1990£ 885.00