Martin Waldseemüller & Laurent Fries, Germany, 1541£ 1,650.00
Abraham Ortelius, Ancient Germany, 1592£ 495.00
Giuseppe Rosaccio, Germany, 1599£ 250.00
Giuseppe Rosaccio, Germany, 1599£ 250.00
Matthias Quad, Germany, 1609£ 750.00
Samuel Purchas, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1625£ 145.00
John Speed, Germany, 1627£ 1,850.00
Mercator Hondius, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1635£ 175.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1640 c.£ 775.00
Jan Jansson, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1661£ 185.00
Jan Jansson, Germany, 1666£ 885.00
John Speed, Germany, 1676£ 1,950.00
Vincenzo Coronelli, The course of the Rhine, 1690£ 395.00
Frederick De Wit, Germany, 1690 c.£ 550.00
Philipp Cluver, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1697£ 145.00
Nicolas Sanson, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1700£ 125.00
Robert Morden, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1700 c£ 88.00
Gerhard Valk, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1710 c.£ 525.00
Christoph & Johann Christoph Weigel, Germany, 1720 c.£ 260.00
Covens (Jean) & Mortier (Cornelius), Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1730 c.£ 145.00
Georges-Louis Le Rouge, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1746£ 95.00
Tobias Conrad Lotter, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1755 c.£ 95.00
William Faden, Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, 1788£ 195.00
William Faden, German Confederation, 1820£ 445.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), Berlin, 1833£ 295.00
James Wyld, German Confederation, 1844£ 375.00
Arbuckle Brothers Company, German Empire, 1889£ 88.00
George Philip & Son Ltd., Germany: Industries & Communications, 1910 c.£ 85.00
Maurice Neumont, War is Prussia's National Industry, 1917£ 1,500.00
Walter Riemer, Romanian Map of Germany for the 1936 Berlin Olympics, 1935£ 750.00
G. & J. Bartholomew, The Western Front at the Outbreak of WW2, 1939£ 175.00
US Army Information Branch, Your War from D-Day On, 1945£ 4,500.00