Abraham Ortelius, Early map of the west coast of Mexico and the Caribbean, 1592£ 2,250.00
Sebastian Münster, Early wood-cut map of Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic) and Puerto Rico, 1628£ 225.00
Mercator Hondius, Rare early map of the West Indies, 1635£ 345.00
Willem & Jan Blaeu, Stunning Dutch Golden Age map of the West Indies, 1640 c.£ 2,200.00
Jan Jansson, Dutch Golden Age map of the Caribbean and Central America, 1650 c.£ 1,650.00
Mercator Hondius, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Margarita., 1651£ 495.00
Petrus Montanus, The West Indies and Central America, 1670 c.£ 1,495.00
C. & N. Visscher, Dutch Golden Age map of the West Indies, 1680 c.£ 3,950.00
Nicolas & Guillaume Sanson, The West Indies, 1680 c.£ 745.00
Robert Morden, Miniature Map of the Caribbean, 1688£ 625.00
Johannes van Keulen, Rare chart of the Gulf of Mexico, 1690 c.£ 3,800.00
Johann Ulrich Muller, Miniature maps of the West Indies, 1692£ 295.00
Pierre Mortier, Rare chart of the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies, 1696£ 4,950.00
Denis Martineau Du Plessis, The West Indies, 1700£ 325.00
Nicolas de Fer, Caribbean or the West Indies, 1705£ 950.00
Pieter van der Aa, West Indies and Central America, 1707£ 495.00
Valk & Schenk, Chart of the West Indies, 1710 c.£ 1,950.00
Herman Moll, Central America and the West Indies, 1729£ 295.00
J.B.B. D'Anville, Central America and the West Indies, 1731£ 695.00
Homann Heirs, The West Indies and Central America, 1731£ 1,250.00
Herman Moll, Chart of the Caribbean or the West Indies, 1740£ 695.00
Philippe Buache, The West Indies, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean, 1740£ 3,450.00
Herman Moll, A Map of Terra Firma Guiana and the Antilles Islands, 1745£ 275.00
Mount & Page, English chart of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, 1750 c.£ 4,500.00
Gentleman's Magazine, Central America and the West Indies, 1750 c.£ 685.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, The West Indies and Central America, 1754£ 585.00
Thomas Kitchin, The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, 1760 c.£ 375.00
Thomas Bowen, West Indies, 1760 c.£ 345.00
Andrew Dury, Miniature map of the Caribbean, 1761£ 185.00
Veremondo Rossi, Italian map of Central America and the West Indies, 1763£ 685.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Lesser Antilles, 1764£ 245.00
Isaac Tirion, Central America, the West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico, 1765£ 595.00
Jacques-Nicolas Bellin, Chart of the West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, 1774£ 1,950.00
Dr. William Robertson, The West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico, 1777£ 595.00
Dr. William Robertson, West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, 1778£ 485.00
John Bew, West Indies with the Harbour and Fort of Omoa, 1780£ 875.00
Rigobert Bonne, The West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico, 1780 c.£ 195.00
John Bew, A Map of the English, French, Spanish, Dutch & Danish Islands in the West Indies, 1781£ 225.00
Louis Brion de la Tour, West Indies or Caribbean, 1782£ 1,350.00
Laurie & Whittle, Central America and the West Indies, 1794£ 985.00
Robert Wilkinson, The West Indies, 1794£ 195.00
Franz Ludwig Gussefeld, The West Indies, 1795£ 1,175.00
Antonio Zatta, Greater and Lesser Antilles, 1795£ 875.00
William Faden, Chart of the West Indies, 1796£ 2,950.00
John Reid, The West Indies or Caribbean, 1796£ 495.00
Homann Heirs, West Indies and Florida, 1796£ 1,350.00
Andrew Bell, West Indies, 1797£ 195.00
John Stockdale, The West Indies or Caribbean, 1799£ 225.00
John Russell, West Indies, 1799£ 395.00
Pierre Tardieu, The West Indies and Central America, 1800£ 525.00
William Guthrie, The West Indies or Caribbean, 1801£ 145.00
John Cary, West Indies and Southern United States, 1803£ 645.00
Morse and Andrews, West Indies, 1805£ 185.00
John Russell, West Indies, 1805 c.£ 125.00
C. & E. Brightly, West Indies, 1807£ 195.00
John Pinkerton, West Indies, 1809£ 795.00
George Cooke, The West Indies, 1810 c.£ 185.00
Rev'd. James Barclay, The West Indies, 1811£ 125.00
John Thomson, West Indies, 18120 c.£ 425.00
Adolf Stieler, The West Indies, 1818£ 295.00
Thomas Myers, West Indies: On Mercator's Projection, 1820£ 92.00
William Darton, The West Indies, 1820 c.£ 150.00
Carl Weiland, West Indies, 1822£ 885.00
Carey & Lea, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical map of the West Indies, 1823£ 550.00
Adrien Brue, West Indies and Central America, 1825£ 295.00
Jean Buchon, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical map of the West Indies, 1825£ 325.00
Charles Smith, Mexico and West Indies, 1828£ 345.00
Thomas Starling, West Indies, 1830£ 85.00
John Arrowsmith, West Indies, 1832£ 675.00
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), The West Indies, 1835£ 160.00
Rest Fenner, West Indies, 1836£ 78.00
W. & A.K. Johnston, West Indies, 1840 c.£ 395.00
John Dower, West Indies, 1840 c.£ 72.00
James Wyld, The West Indies, 1841£ 1,375.00
Carl Christian Franz Radefeld, West Indies, 1841£ 45.00
Henry Teesdale, West Indies, 1841£ 225.00
John Arrowsmith, West Indies, 1842£ 60.00
All Maps
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