John Speed, Kent, 1760 c.£ 1,650.00
John Speed, Bedford Shire and the Situation of Bedford, 1743£ 750.00
John Speed, The Isle of Man, 1743£ 1,450.00
John Speed, Anglesey - Antiently called Mona, 1676£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Anglo-Saxon Britain, 1676Reserved
John Speed, Bohemia, 1676£ 3,450.00
John Speed, Breknoke, Both Shyre and Towne described, 1676£ 485.00
John Speed, Caermarden Both Shyre and Towne Described, 1676£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Caernarvon, Both Shyre and Shire-towne with the ancient Citie Bangor described, 1676£ 1,250.00
John Speed, Cambridgeshire described with the deuision of the Hundreds, the Townes situation with the Armes of the Colleges of that famous Vniuersiti, 1676£ 3,250.00
John Speed, Decorative map of Italy, 1676£ 4,500.00
John Speed, Essex, 1676£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Famous map of the Holy Land with Biblical vignettes, 1676£ 3,950.00
John Speed, First English atlas map of Russia, 1676£ 4,750.00
John Speed, Germany, 1676£ 1,950.00
John Speed, Greece, 1676£ 2,850.00
John Speed, India and Southeast Asia, 1676£ 4,450.00
John Speed, John Speed's exquisite map of Africa, 1676£ 2,500.00
John Speed, Map Of Hungary, 1676£ 2,450.00
John Speed, Merionethshire, 1676£ 795.00
John Speed, Norfolk A Countie Florishing & Populous Described and Devided, 1676£ 1,150.00
John Speed, North and South Carolina, 1676£ 3,950.00
John Speed, Spain and Portugal, 1676£ 1,950.00
John Speed, Stafford Countie and Towne with the ancient Citie Lichfeild described, 1676£ 450.00
John Speed, The Bishoprick and Citie of Durham, 1676£ 1,250.00
John Speed, The Countie and Citie of Lyncolne Described with the Armes of Them that have Bene Earles Thereoe Since the Conquest, 1676£ 1,450.00
The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster Described and Divided into Hundreds, 1676John SpeedSeries: LondonJohn Speed, The Countie Pallatine of Lancaster Described and Divided into Hundreds, 1676£ 3,550.00
John Speed, The Countie Westmorland and Kendale the Chief Towne Described, 1676£ 1,150.00
John Speed, The Kingdome of Persia, 1676£ 3,450.00
John Speed, The Kingdome of Scotland, 1676£ 4,250.00
John Speed, Ulster (Northern Ireland), 1676£ 2,500.00
John Speed, Worcester Shire Described, 1676£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Yorkshire, 1676£ 1,650.00
John Speed, Huntingdon, 1662£ 425.00
John Speed, Ireland, 1651£ 3,850.00
John Speed, Central Asia and Siberia, 1627£ 3,950.00
John Speed, Cardigan Shyre, 1627£ 795.00
John Speed, Cornwall, 1627£ 3,750.00
John Speed, Denmark, 1627£ 3,250.00
John Speed, Devonshire, 1627£ 2,450.00
John Speed, France, 1627£ 4,000.00
John Speed, Germany, 1627£ 1,850.00
John Speed, Hantshire described and devided, 1627£ 2,550.00
John Speed, Important map of Bermuda, 1627£ 3,500.00
John Speed, Jersey, Guernsey, Holy Island & Farne Islands, 1627£ 550.00
John Speed, John Speed's celebrated map of Europe, 1627£ 4,250.00
John Speed, Oxfordshire described, with ye Citie and the Armes of the Colledges of yt famous University. Ao. 1605, 1627£ 2,850.00
John Speed, Poland, 1627£ 2,750.00
John Speed, Rutlandshire, 1627£ 445.00
John Speed, Sussex Described, 1627£ 2,000.00
John Speed, The Ancient Roman Empire , 1627£ 3,950.00
John Speed, The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire, 1627£ 1,250.00
John Speed, Barkshire Described, 1616£ 2,750.00
John Speed, Gloucestershire, 1616£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Radnorshire, 1616£ 2,750.00
John Speed, Suffolke described and divided into Hundreds, 1616£ 1,800.00
John Speed, The Countie of Radnor Described and the Shyretownes Sittuatione, 1616£ 650.00
John Speed, Wilshire, 1616£ 1,750.00
John Speed, Anglesey: Antiently called Mona, 1614£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Bedford Shire, 1614£ 950.00
John Speed, Breknoke Both Shyre and Towne described, 1614£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Caermarden Both Shyre and Towne Described, 1614£ 985.00
John Speed, Cardigan Shyre, 1614£ 985.00
John Speed, Cumberland and the Ancient Citie Carlile Described with many Memorable Antiqvities Therein Found Observed, 1614£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Decorative map of Ireland, 1614£ 3,750.00
John Speed, Denbigh Shire, 1614£ 800.00
John Speed, Devonshire, 1614£ 2,650.00
John Speed, Dorsetshyre, 1614£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Essex, devided into its Hundreds, with the most antient and fayre Towne Colchester Described and other memorable Monuments observed, 1614£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Flint-Shire, 1614£ 985.00
John Speed, Glamorgan Shyre, 1614£ 1,175.00
John Speed, Hereford-shire, 1614£ 500.00
John Speed, Huntingdon: Both Shire and Shire Towne with the Ancient Citie Ely Described, 1614£ 725.00
John Speed, Jersey, Guernsey, Farne Islands & Holy Island, 1614£ 595.00
John Speed, Leicester, 1614£ 1,200.00
John Speed, Merionethshire, 1614£ 925.00
John Speed, Montgomery Shire, 1614£ 1,150.00
John Speed, Northamtonshire, 1614£ 1,250.00
John Speed, Penbrokshyre, 1614£ 1,450.00
Stafford Countie and Towne with the Ancient Citie Lichfield described., 1614John SpeedSeries: LondonJohn Speed, Stafford Countie and Towne with the Ancient Citie Lichfield described., 1614£ 875.00
John Speed, The Kingdome of England, 1614£ 3,750.00
John Speed, The Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland, 1614£ 4,500.00
John Speed, The North and East Ridins of Yorkshire, 1614£ 1,550.00
John Speed, Wales, 1611 c.£ 2,650.00
John Speed, Barkshire Described, 1611£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Breknoke - Both Shyre and Towne described, 1611£ 2,750.00
John Speed, Cornwall, 1611£ 3,750.00
John Speed, Denbighshire, 1611£ 800.00
John Speed, First regional map of Leinster, 1611£ 1,750.00
John Speed, Glocestershire, 1611£ 2,250.00
John Speed, Hantshire described and devided, 1611£ 2,550.00
John Speed, Hartford Shire Described, 1611£ 1,350.00
John Speed, Jersey, Guernsey, Holy Island & Farne Islands, 1611£ 3,250.00
John Speed, Middlesex, London & Westminster, 1611£ 2,650.00
John Speed, Montgomeryshire, 1611£ 2,750.00
John Speed, Northamtonshire, 1611£ 1,250.00
John Speed, Northumberland, 1611£ 1,450.00
John Speed, Suffolke, 1611£ 1,650.00
John Speed, Surrey Inscribed and Divided into Hundreds, 1611£ 3,450.00
John Speed, Surrey Inscribed and Divided into Hundreds, 1611£ 4,450.00
John Speed, Sussex Described, 1611£ 2,450.00
John Speed, The West Ridinge of Yorkshyre, 1611£ 1,850.00